Perhaps a better way to run these Time Trials would be to split them into tiers , by that I mean you still compete for the same rewards but instead of it being just the fastest overall it should be split into ranks and divisions. By that I mean the top 50 clans ranked in strength compete against each other , rewards distributed accordingly . Same for the top 50-100 and so on . Spreading the rewards and chance of winning them throughout kaw as a whole, being competitive and somewhat fairer as you are playing against a section of clans similar in size and strength Clearly the higher your stats then the more damage you do so the quicker the Time Trial will be completed , splitting the Trial into ranks would be logical and fair way to do it , or let's be honest it's just handing 20% bonus plunder to the strongest clans overall ( and yes devs, everyone can see that lol ) Support or flame , but at least it's a competitive and fair suggestion.
or perhaps code the specific ebs to run like ambush all players do the same damage no matter their size so it can be based on activity and speed although idk how much work the programmers would have to do for that
I don't expect the devs to take note or implement it , but it had to be said as quite clearly the trials will be biased as it stands right now. Val , Mei and others have made very accurate comments on the original thread , so this is just an option I hope can bring some sense of equality and competitiveness into it.
Support! That's why they have Olympics and Paralympics , men's and women's sports , it's all about equal competition between people. Fire whomever came up with the original idea, clearly no thought behind it.
Support! something to shoot for rather than know you don't really stand a chance lol. Crat0s , you my friend, are an idiot or an alt . Probably both.
Support! And start with something that requires more than just tapping repeat... Fod or something. Should also open it up to all EBs and allow a clan to collect a bonus for each eb they are top in each week. IMO clans with certain total stats should not be able to run lower tier EBs either... Leave warbeasts to the little clans.
Agreed Boo , this "promotion" was badly conceived and a shrouded "back hander" to those who spend spend spend.