Biggest issue I'm seeing is 1. Inactives 2. People creating statless alts and hoping for spies ( signing both accounts up and hoping the alt lands on the other side) I've see it happen more that a few times My suggestion Rancor's Shame Spell activated by inactivity in war Not able to cast WOC for 150h (players with EE) will have hours to extend ee reduced to 24h after Rancor's Shame ends
I would love to see indi wars ran all the time side by side with the regular wars to give everyone a chance you could match war clan vs war clan and indi clan vs indi clan
To expand on that I don't want indi war week EVER AGAIN. I want to war with MY clan and be able to every day. But if you match an indi clan vs a war clan it wouldn't be fair. So run 2 match up sets. Same times different brackets.
Honestly if you don't lime warring with noobs then grow. I personally always had a great experience with EE wars and never dealt with inactives. I have warred with people who never have done an EE war before but never an inactive or CC spammer. Your best bet is to do what everyone including the devs want you to do. GROW!!!
These wars suck. Im tired of losing because of inactives and noob builds. Absolutely will not ever do another. Clan wars ftw
Making a requirement of having 6 mithril to be able to cast WoC for individual war would be the best solution to get rid of stammers like the one above. New WoC spell for individual wars that would cost 6 mithril to cast!
I have for one enjoyed the wars very much and learned as well in fact I even changed my build as to war better in the clan. Thanks devs
Loved it. Bring it back. Allows people that havent warred before to war. It also allows people that dont have good war builds to war.
Looks like its time to give admin in indi wars the ability to silence idiots. It's a shame we cant enjoy the game as players due to player created problems.
So far each individual war I've been in has been fun and pretty evenly matched. This is the first time I've been able to war in a long time as I was always skipped over other builds when trying to get into war clans plus it's exciting meeting new ppl and making new friends rather than warring with the exact same people everytime. The times of these new wars are also perfect I am happy good job devs
Thank you devs as usual you read each post carefully -end sarcasm For real though Rancor's Shame is a great idea, for both war sets how about a response. Maybe ?
Exllent idea it was , I like it much more, good balanced match ups , no personals , different kingdoms coming to one clan and supporting each other , simply super
Indi wars are fair to all in so many ways. Even with the trollers and strollers in general overal it works out. Most even matches were the indi wars in the ladt 2 years simly put
The individual wars were awesome! Loved them! But two things could be added: 1- more wars per day (as a french i could only do 1 max per day) 2- have a rating system for players in your clan, or a "report" button. The reason is simple: people use moles, or just troll the clan, and that costs a possible victory by disadventaging a team... so possibly, get reported in 3 wars (have a justification needed) and then you can't war for a given time