slayer as a mod i would expect you to know the rules of the game. So maybe you can explain why everyone in our clan got a notification and a pm saying " WARNING: Dirty RP is not allowed within KaW. If your clan is found to be engaged in dirty RP again it may get disbanded." that is a direct copy/paste from my pm from kaw. The censored words are dirty rp. I added extra spaces to 'bypass' but if kaw can say it in notification i should be able to say it here, if not oh well i guess.
My argument is not for 21 over 18, I just don't know all of the laws relating to sexting are governed by 18 or 21 is all. If it's 18 than that would be the delineation. I found a reference one of the laws saying it is 18 and if that's the cut off on federal laws against it: 18 U.S.C. ยง 1466A(a)(1) then 18 it is. Slayerbob-- the point is not that if a kid lies about his age and gets into an adult clan chat that they should deal with the repercussions themselves - the very fact that they could be 12 years old means that they don't appreciate the repercussions --- further that's rather insensitive to think a kid should be subject to adult conversation that they have no idea will occur and do so at the lure of being in a clan that is one they want into. Further what if the 12 year olds mom or dad pick up the phone and see your or someone else's lewd comments --- you could subject your clan to being disbanded (we got such a message from KAW which prompted this thread) And if the parent was outraged enough because the game is rated for 4 year olds and not just 18 or above - they could sue KAW or even you Bob for sexting -- "Sexting" refers to sending sexual pictures OR messages via text OR picture messages. Also see this article ... 10/sexting
This is a terrible idea. Maybe you just shouldn't be a creep having erotic RP with random people on the internet, In regards to any legal issues, I doubt there would be any unless you KNOW the person is underage. Even then, you're only talking to them on the internet. As long as you aren't asking for some kind of explicit photos or asking them to meet up to have sex with you, I can't see you being in trouble legally over a game where you have no way of knowing their age.
US Federal laws don't apply on the internet.. Also, I would think an element of self control is required by OP and the rest concerned about this. Simple fix, don't talk to people you don't know.
Thats when the Terms of Use comes in hand... A Thinking Ape Services is available for individuals aged 13 years or older. If you are under the age of 18, you should review this Agreement with your parent or guardian to make sure that you and your parent or guardian understand it. Also, what clan were you in when you received that PM from kaw?
Then ATA games need to be re-rated by Apple and Android stores. 9 and 7 age ratings are not 13, and is false advertising
Over here people are legal from 16 I remember at age 10 sex and other topics came up. It's not like child don't understand Anyways I truly do believe that it's ok to introduce open convocations any 18 topics cos what's to happen to them when they do. Reach the age? Most of the time they **** up bad But I know that openly talking about sex in a game like this will promote pervs But really else gtfo and **** off to PIMD :evil:
Look i see that people might think this is a good idea and to some point i do too, but the problem is: 1. (Yes i know it was mentioned but is true( people will lie about their age) 2. If you dont like kids pretend they are adults and talk what they aren't supposed to be said in cc or whatever whats going to stop them from doing It else where? 3. Discrimnation will be involved because if they (the clan) dont see the bage being over 21 or whatever they (the kids) wont be able to go into any clans other than kid ones and as you guys have said they talk bad words so if thats true then kaw will give them warnings like you guys have said but as we all know defying rules is what all kids do, so they will keep on talking smack and that clan gets disbaned and then they all go to a different clan thats full of kids again and do the same until no more kid clans to go to then there wont be anymore kids in the game but adults. Thats called discrimination because the adults are ignoring the little one's and then comes the law suits from crazy parents. But do you all see the point? there is nothing we can do. Don't get me wrong people and friends its a good thought in a certain point of view. No support. Thanks for Reading happy kawing!
Are you serious? A 9 year old can easily claim a different age. There would be no safe guard against that. What you gonna have mommy verify this? Devs have way more things to fix besides run down age verifications. No support
Haha theys gettin freaky in that clan, theya-like-a-da-rp... But here's how you can tell if your chatting up a 10 y/o op... When they refer to their "weiner" or "peepee" then maybe you should cut back on the sexy talk? But what adult in kaw can't tell if they're talking to a kid? Maybe your clan should conductan interview proses... But i wouldn't let you be the interviewer as you can't tell (with out a badge) if a player is 9 or 99
instead of monitoring cc dev need to monitor the amount of inapropiate chatter that is "overlooked" by mods in wc. cc suppose to be private for clan members
Pm is the private channel for communication. Also, if players catch a violation in world chat, feel free to SS it and send it in to
Since when did a 16 year old need permission from his parents to play a 9* year old game? There is a warning when downloading the game!