Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What email do I use for fighting an unjust silence?
  2. What's rancor do just got one 
  3. Provides equip at the end of the season.
  4. What is the cost to make the unkari ice tree its max level?
  5. Unkari Ice Tree (or any other T6 building):

    Lvl1: 50b
    Lvl2: 150b
    Lvl3: 200b
    Lvk4: 250b
    Lvl5: 300b

    Total cost: 950b
  6. why is Obi-WanKenobi sensored?
  7. What is stripping? What is the cs given by the T6 defense building? Wulf's guide tells it but I think it's wrong. Also in TFO why is Seraphis able to be assassinated?
  8. Stripping means to hire someone's allies and follow up with a large number of steals and attacks to take away that gold.

    Usually done when someone is sleeping.

    The stats in wulf's guide are correct, and Seraphis being able to be assassinated is not an issue. It's just how it works.
  9. how do you post a pic on a thread?
  10. You need the URL of the image, the image must be less than 600x600 pixels, and the URL must not have any ampersands or plus signs in it.

    Then post it between [img ][ /img] with the spaces removed.
  11. How do I get the URL if it's from my ipad photo album?
  12. Host the image on a site such as photobucket or imgur.com.
  13. What u mean by. Post it in between?
  14. Type the first part, paste the URL without ampersands and plus signs, then post the second bracket without the space.
  15. .? Can u do it for me? <a href='http://i.imgur.com/WrxbfoZ' title=''><img src='http://i.imgur.com/WrxbfoZ.jpg' alt='' title='Hosted by imgur.com' /></a>
  16. On the thread my build