Individual War Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 30, 2014.

  1. Sucks big time for shadow hansels you mean.

    To shut up the people moaning about wanting to war with there friends the devs should implement a buddy system for these wars.

    As there is usually about 20+ participants you should be able to buddy up with up to 2 people (making 3 people) and guarantee you're matched with them.

    Personally I usually get matched against a buddy so that's always fun killing each other so I'm fine either way.
  2. Not really,

    Sucks for the clan you get because all you will do is give out plunder
  3. People should know who they war with, there are "war clans and families" for a reason. Why have clans if you can't war with them? My point is people would want to earn mith with their friends and favored people together.
  4. Please do something about random players casting and ruining war, losing ee over some noobs not xtalling and lost by a billion or two is sickening
  5. I believe Omets post has traction to it.

    Why can't we arrange clan wars as in past seasons for those that desire the unity and strategic cohesion, while still offering individual wars as a learning curve for new players or those less committed/experienced.

    It's a simple option to choose clan or indi wars. Offer both at the same time as Omet suggested or alternate days. Times can be the same, just the platform changes every other day.

    Currently I prefer to not support the scheduled individual only wars.
  6. I enjoy individual wars to an extent, far less stressful.

    However not having clam wars this week and all we get is indi wars? Me no likey
  7. I won the war in malevolent nomads and I didn't receive my rewards, no ee, no rancor level neither mithril. I can send a picture of results.
    Thanks in advance for your attention

    Enviado desde mi iPhone
  8. No support for individual wars . Reasons 1- luck based wins 2-war standards and strategy rip 3-peeps without xtals and inactives in abundance 4- i miss warring with my warcommnders and clannies on whom i trust so much T_T
  9. In general a few things:

    Clans are to war, why not make it mandatory, twice a month whether you want to or not dropped into a war two hour notice, mith on or not - 10 up 10 down of clan rank. Win or lose, too bad it's WAR!! sometime you cannot plan for them. Also clans in top 200 or maybe all, have bids out to war min of say eight at all times. This should help with algorithm problem as you now have reverse inquiry. Also great way to use existing war system I.e so you think your clan can beat mine, what's this bid crap let's do it now. I think system wars should have good gold rewards too, also fix mith if I don't war now several mith spells are off limits, figure that out pls. Anyway mandatory wars maybe have them pay equal to HTE if you win, again ppl would be pumped ie Hey we just dropped in to war, sweet nice gold
  10. IMHO: Nothing but a roll of the dice; a waste of an hour and a dollar.
  11. Great half of what I wrote got cropped off...lovely

    Also I suggest bids out to war if clans are ranked in top 200, say eight bonds out to war it should help algorithm problem as you have reverse inquire and create a little drama too.

    Personal itemize item you clan Lose in war, clan banner or family crest sword, create a blacksmith tab to create and you may lose in battle, if so you can win it back or recreate for higher price next time, but now you have a reason to war again and in the mean time winners can display it in items or plunder page or something

    Recap, mandatory wars, eight bids out at all times to war
  12. sorry all the war exploters and cheats ruien it for warring with your buddies and.clan.

    any attempt to "fix" inde wars will just open the doors for the exploters to come flooding back in. Blame them.

    keep inde wars 100% random
  13. Simple solution anyone inactive for an inde war is banned from warring for two weeks
  14. Guys , one of the major problem we facing is the fact that on most times we have 3-4 Atleast freebies who don't xtal and run on luck to get mith and may cost us a win. I AM SUGGESTING that the devs show us the xtal head count at end of war so that we know who all xtaled and who didn't. And we deal with them on our own. There are many committed warriors trackers war commanders who put in their time and effort only to be let down by some crazy non-interested freebie warriors.

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  15. One of the best wars,but i suggest you to restrict stats to greater than 1m since too many useless builds or may i say alts for warring :/, Thats no good.
  16. individual wars is a best system war, all balanced, an all in war who casted, ty devs.
  17. Full support to what mirza said.
  18. No support from me with indi wars
  19. SH are getting ****** in EE , so many 100k CS CC Spammers / Moles / Cheaters / Alts are casting.