Individual Wars General Rant

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyl_More_MaCHiNE, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Side note - in a perfect world and system you shouldn't need to change your build
  2. Val,

    Sorry for high jacking your post I'll sit in the naughty corner now and twiddle my thumbs.


    Yeah right I'll whack someone
  3. Good read and exaclty sums up why, imo, Indy wars are prefereable over clan EE wars until devs fix the stacking/matchup problems.

    Some of the issues pointed out with the Indy wars are legit and would require fixing; like dealing with inactives and people not xstalling. Making inactives unable to cast for a week would help and refunding xstals/no xstal wars/cheaper 'war xstals' would help against the latter. And lack of wc and tracker? Just learn it yourself and your team will never lack one, it is not rocket science lol.

    Some other 'issues' I find a bit ironic. Like the one that Indy wars destoy clan unity. I see people using that argument that were in clan X during S1, in clan Y during S2, in clan Z during S3 because their 'home EE clan' lost a few and they hopped. EE has destroyed more clans than anything especially after you didnt lose an EE level anymore when leaving clan.

    So yeah I'm still hoping devs fix clan EE but until they do, why would they keep them just to cater to the few clans that have destroyed clan EE by stacking and roster exploiting? Wars should be somewhat equal, closer to 50/50 % than to the 95% win for the stacked clans as it stands now.
  4. Liz,

    Agree that current ee has ripped clans apart and transportability of estoc has destroyed it further. However a lot have warred together for all seasons and only warred else where to give clan mates greatest chance of match up.

    Individual wars have a place maybe as an option but as you say yourself you hope they fix the clan wars and it seems that is what everyone wants but are resigned to a bird it will never happen. The forum thread should be individual wars or a clan war system that works. I think people would say the support the later. It is what we all want I feel but could be wrong, but for me I play the game to share with friends .
  5. Most ppl go in individual wars without xtals some even without mith. Now, Some ppl cast a bunch of statless alts hoping they get placed into the opposite clan and well, U can have their breif! xtal time! and everythin! how much fun is that?
  6. You tell em valk
  7. 100% support op
  8. The question is what killed ee? My answer is estoc edge levels combined with new land multiplied by new equipment. This created an environment where you lost yourself because the rewards justified you to do so. So some hid behind sh to get more favorable matches. Some drop equip. Some added unhittable lb. as long as the system allowed this then that's on who created the system. I remember when there was a lb exploit the clan with the most lb usually won and I was a little mid. So that's why I like Indy wars cause I get better everytime I war the top 50 top 100 and top 200 you gotta bring your A game there is no quarter no hiding it exposes these so called expert players now they will know why they fear the night !
  9.  100000% Agree
  10. Val, nicely put. I agree with your points but as Donno points out we need to be careful not to dilute the importance of clans anymore than has already happened. We need a bit of both systems running imo eg a daily individual war and a daily clan EE war and perhaps alternating format competitions running eg a season 4 then an individual war season.

    I do like the league suggestion which could deal with much of the EE roster issues.
  11. One things for sure: the devs listen to those who spend the most money lol (not to say others shouldn't add their input) it's just how it is.

    I get both arguments, I do. Ive always been more of a pvper, but I wanted edge, and ee equipment. I was in osw all the previous Rancor seasons(back then you didnt leave your clan for ee, edge was non-transferable anyways). but i gave this last one a go around. We got one or two wins in fair matches, then after that, kept getting stomped in bad matches. accounts i couldnt hit or plunder on. so i stopped trying after this kept happening. What was the point of continually trying? We didn't want to stack our rosters with a bunch of sh. Im not giving any of those fuckers easy rancor from meI'm sure this is how it was for alot of people, that weren't on the stacked roster, or had dropped build. Which slowly dwindled away at the ee'ing populace.

    Keep your clan wars, but support the alternative. Dream for something better
  12. Just wish there was divisions for clan wars
  13. Very well said , would be good to loose the prejudice too! I still hear many people saying i cant do ind war's I'm not a war build! As soon as you get put into a clan people complaining about leaky builds etc, this is perfect for war builds/non war builds to test their builds for ee/pvp and gain the experience needed, especially to figure out how you want your build to move forward. Not everyone wants to build as a war clan tells you but to figure out what's best for themselves! I personally enjoy them because you don't have to worry about making the team, will there be a match? Cuts much time out before the war so you can focus on a stratagy for the team you have been given.this must make it more interesting and challenging for wc too, different build matches having to rethink strategy?!
  14. Support. But need clan wars also
  15. So many ppl have stopped doing ee Wars - maybe if you start again from zero - With new equip or better without ( only for ee Wars) maybe alot ppl would Try it again
  16. @Val some great points mate from a guy who actually has the runs on the board for a change. And I respect the tone of the post and where you are coming from, but also concerned about the possible lack of clan unity this kind or war encourages as well as a loss of ongoing growth for those who learn to war together and have trust in their ability and willing to sacrifice for their teammates (towers etc) anyways great post bud 
  17. Ops forgotte - support val 