Clan mods

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ryu_33, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Clan admins should be able to silence clan members for curtian amounts of time, the same as a mod in wc.
  2. Low Effort
  3. I would support if you had put more effort and thought it out better no support.
  4. Forum'ers should be able to silence low effort op's.
  5. Its my first forums post cut me some slack
  6. No. Mine along with a lot of others first forum thread showed atleast some knowledge and interest in their own post.
  7. Nope nope
    Nope nope
    Nope nope
    Nope nope
    Nope nope
    Nope nope
    Nope nope
    Nope nope
  8. Clan admins should be able to produce bikini-clad dancing girls on demand.
  9. Why silence when you can kick?

    Whos gonna stick around when they have been silenced...
  10. No support the only people that should be allowed to silence are the people that the devs choose ahem MODS ahem
  11. Shall we farm op?
  12. Just checked his stats 0.0 uh oh
  13. Another thread to get lockdx
  14. Why would you wanna censor your clan mate?
  15. No support.

    If they can't shut up, then boot 'em.