Just a huge Thank You!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed86, Jun 22, 2014.

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  2. Loved every minute 18 hrs well spent with my awesome pack awooòooooo
  3. Thx to all The Blue Wolves. Classy group we had, everyone listened and did their job which made us unbeatable. Special thx to the wcs and trackers yall are kaws best. Was an Honor warring along side you all.
  4. Totally agree! To all the leaders and trackers; a big thanks for all of your effort! All of you handled this event with confidence and class to make it a pleasure to grind these wars out!

    To all the warriors in Blue Wolves; great job and way to fight through! You all made this a great champion team by staying focused through it all.

    I would like to thank all of the warriors who fought with honor in the 2014 ASW... I thought it was a great event because of everyone involved -

    Except of course all of the butthurt haters and inactive turds who always seem to find a way to try to put a damper on things... happy farming kaw!
  5. Awesome job Wolves :D
  6. Re: Just a huge Thank Yo u!

     ven baws won
  7. Great job wolves.
  8. I couldn't agree with y'all totally.

    It was an excellent team, I felt so honoured to be part of such a great and organised clan as the blue wolves

    Also like to thank.

    1sexylady,vixen,Lexi, bad girl, atrops, noenn and hat and all the rest of the trackers and Organisation of the clan.

    There was so many excellent players in that war, and damn  all I could do is watch in cc

    Thanks to all those who stayed up late, got up early and was active at the most awkward times .

    Just thank to all of you really.

    Can't wait till next year 
  9. 18 hrs well spent 
  10. Your welcome.
  11. ️ Thanks much WOLF PACK 
  12. I would war with all the blue again any time we had a great bunch and awsome leader and very sharp trackers thanks again every body it was awsome
  13. TYVM hat good sir! ️ as always the Honor was mine to war with you!

    Wooloo and you helped just as much as anyone Ty both for being Titans when we need you!

    I know I couldn't keep up with vamp and vixen but I tried  you 2 are tracking machines!! The rest of our trackers rocked it too!!

    Generals Azul
  14. YEA BABY ️
  15. Indeed congratulations. Your command team did an astoundingly good job given the size of the clan rosters. I had instant incoming any time I came out of KO.
  16. It was an honor to war with you too, Hat.  You, Atropos, Vixen, Adorable, Vamp and Neonn all ran a tight ship and made it a great and FUN experience for everybody. I'd definitely war with this pack again any day.

     Respect for everyone from all teams that took part in this. Hopefully we'll see each other again this time next year 
  17. Woohoo Wolf Pack!!! Just wanted to say Thank You to our WC and Trackers who did one hell of a job and made my first ASW experience one to remember. Warring as a PS in a war that size was awesome and would love to do more like that. To all my fellow Wolf Pack warriors u all did a superb job and i have much respect for u all BLUE WOLVES!!!
  18. Ty Blue Hot Hat, lol! You kept cc entertaining and Vontez kept it Vontez style lol.

    Also great job everyone in Wolves sticking to the unlocks and giving us that slight edge for clan bonuses, and to Hat for dropping the seal for pre finals FFA HTE. Most everyone played their part and pushed their builds beyond expectations.

    Tip of the cap to Yellow Hornets, Cyan Giants, and Green Wyverns. All filled with great friends, warriors, and leaders.

    Thanks again to Blue Team war room, was a great experience for me. Enjoy the victory, y'all deserved it.
  20.  ╟╖║╖╓╓╖ 〰 ╖╥╓╓╖║╖║╓╖╓╖ 
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