Rad here with a little paralysis by analysis done on the roster of the two remaining ASW teams, the – Blue Wolves – and the – Green Wyverns –. First of all, congrats to all those selected to participate in the ASW this year, and specifically to the two final remaining teams. May the best clan seize victory tomorrow! Now down to business…. You might be curious just who makes up these top elite players. They are the ‘best of the best’, so how do you compare? I for one was a little perturbed when I didn’t make the cut and wanted to analyze the bottom of at least a couple ASW team rosters to see how far off I was. What attributes do these warriors have in common? So, I did a quick look at the bottom 10 members of both the Blue Wolves and Green Wyverns. Of these 20, the average battle win count (BW) was 233k and the average hire value was 1.2T. The average cs was 18.6M once I eliminated the five hansels (which lowered cs stat count). Therefore, these are the general stats a player needs to no longer be ‘unranked’. After looking at the bottom, I obviously had to look at the top 10 from each team to compare. Of the top 20, the average BW was 531k, average cs was 35M (only one hansel) and average hire value was 3.2T. I excluded a certain top LB account with > million BWs as an outlier which lowered average BW at this level to 503k. This means the top 10 players on each team are roughly double the size of the bottom 10 players in every category. Next, I pulled each person’s join date per the forums and to see what their ‘KAW age’ was (I was able to find 33 of the 40). This becomes interesting…. For the top 10 the KAW age averaged 3.0 years (min 2.0 years, max 4.4 years), and for the bottom 10 the average KAW age was 2.6 years (min 1.5 years, max 3.8 years). Beyond the obvious (top players have been playing longer) to me this was essentially the same KAW age spread. If age is roughly the same, then rate of activity must be the difference…. Comparing their KAW age (actual start day) to their # of battle wins is quite revealing in the behavior of these two groups. The top 10 players averaged 500 BWs/day, whereas the bottom 10 averaged 258 BWs/day. Since everyday max ‘normal’ battle win activity is limited to ~400 BWs/day (16 hrs/day * 24/25 attacks/unload) this means some crystal use must exist for the top 10 players (duh). Yet interestingly, the top 10 players were split into two groups – roughly half did not reflect heavy crystal usage while the other half did (averaging 10 crystals used every day since the day they started). Also interesting, not a single player in the bottom 10 reflected heavy crystal to get where they were (highest avg. BWs/day was 364, achievable with heavy everyday activity). Another thought I had, and this is pure speculation, but I think perhaps half of the top 10k overall players are inactive. Each ASW team had a roster of about 158 people, which means the devs probably placed everyone over 10k that signed up (since they were willing to go up to 200 per team). The large spread in stats from top to bottom also supports this. Assuming only 25% of the eligible people signed up (due to the short announcement timeframe / prior plans / scheduling conflicts / limited perceived value / alt accounts), this means there are 5,056 active top 10k overall players. Conclusions: • You need to have played KAW for about 3 years in order to be included in ASW. The minimum KAW age included in the bottom 10 was 1.5 years. • You need to be about 20Mcs and have over 200k battle wins to be ranked in top 10k. • Top accounts around 35Mcs exist out there; some pushing 40Mcs (cue the Jaws music). • You need to use about >10 crystals/day to catch-up to or surpass existing leaders. • You need to own about 950B in allies to be in the top 10k (personal experience as I tried to crack top 10k). Once again, congratulations to the Blue Wolves and Green Wyverns!!! Have fun tomorrow! See you next year! -Rad
Ally price has nothing to do with ranking. An ally can be statless and priced 950b and you will nit be on that lb. Its based on ally bonus and what they give to your overall strength.
Pretty funky iv played less than all of them and I'm rank 3,500 overall damn I spent too much money on this game Really enjoyed the concept of this thread though
Iv been playing this game for >3 years ranked 6700 on overall lb and at 280K battle wins without ever using xstals to unload on Ebs plus I constantly war reaching the lb is possible without needing xstals you just need to keep at it and I'm only 18-19M combine stats (3800) on battle wins lb and 9800 on Allie lb