I think would support this. Main reason people are drawn to this game is the communication with other people aspect. This would help that, but they would have to make the drops as rare as seals or horns so it would cut into their profit too much.
Ok well if you read all of it... which I know is a lot :'( I said to make the speakers SPECIAL Or atleast DIFFERENT from the speakers handed out daily[5] and the speakers bought with nobilities. **~By changing the color~ the length of the color you have~ and which eb you got that speaker from~** Depending on the special event(s) the colors could differ... Even on the time span of the color that you get from the speaker drop.
I understand what you're saying mate make it similar to aqua and inferno. However, they drop every eb I feel these should be more exclusive.
Mmm well in the post above BLACK'S said to be dropped... In three little rbs and three bigger ebs. For the differently sized players. **Hence a smaller drop rate** Three specific ebs for small players >> the three could change based on certain events or promos going on<< Three specific ebs for bigger players Which would make the drop rate much less.
Definitely like your idea, but we both know devs are lazy with keeping up to date with promos they run lol
Thanks, and yes I suppose they are sometimes. But, I think if they LIMIT the EBS that drop speakers and even those out((the amount of ebs)) for SMALL/BIG so it's evenly distributed =^.^= to make all the kaw members enjoy the game!
I'm not against this, but for a start, what about allowing PC accounts to regen speakers? PC accounts are like mutes today.
I would make it a common drop, but I would have 20 different colors. It would drop 1 or 2 for 25% of participants finishing the eb