new building "the Vault"

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Galdurstierr, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Suggestion of a new building; the Vault.

    Are you trying to find ways to protect your hard earned gold? (strip funds?) Have you forgotten about LL and HL? Now you can build the Vault.

    The Vault
    Lessens your losses when attacked or stolen with a fixed percentage. Up to 1% per Vault, either upgradeable buildings with 0,2%-1% or simply just 1%. ofc there is a cost, your strength and plunder will suffer depending on where you out it.

    Strategic choices
    Is it worth protecting gold in a strip or your funds out? Well maybe if its trillions and it will certainly slow the strips. You can protect up to 70% if all vaults, but who wanna be stripped and cleaned by small stat accounts? Also, time to scout around for those vault kingdoms. What are those and who do they belong too?

    Building should cost cost like LL most expensive buildings.

    This building should increase the strategic choices of different builds.
  2. So the opposite of Unholy Aura?
  3. How to open up a vault. #1 buy the workshop. USE THE GODDAM BATTERING RAM AND SMASH THAT DOOR OPEN.
  4. No support. Dumb idea. How the **** are we meant to strip people of everything?
  5. That's not a very big percentage... That's like if you have 1t out, instead of losing 3-5b per hit, losing 2.9999b per hit lol
  6. I would personally rather see a bank system like the other ata games have with a 10 or 20 percent one time deposit fee than a vault. Just my .02 though. The devs have already told us this would be coming along with other clan features but I guess like the all Star Wars that took ages to get here the other stuff is gonna take ages as well lol.
  7. No support. Would stop stripping and eliminate a lot of PvP.
  8. Hmmmm.... Lets say redstar decides to sell all of his buildings, buy 74 vaults, and continues trading with hundreds of trillions in allies, and you can only take a maximum of .24% per attack, and lose 74% of the potential steal damage, how do you break that bank? Lol i dont see that happening for the reason i just stated. Sorry OP
  9. I would rather see silver and gold bars added. Silver at 100,000,000 gold and gold bars would run 500,000,000 each this would make banking easier
  10. I can finally store my gold before the eb noobs hit me red Apheriun for the win[​IMG]
  11. We have bars for that
  12. U are red aperium
  13. kind of defeats the purpose of a war game
  14. Yes skillet but look how long it takes to purchase bronze bars verses silver or gold bars