Extending EE for those who are too small to participate

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIKIIIIAIIIIRIIIIAIIIINIIII, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Devs PLEASE extend EE timers to cover lack of wars.
  2. Cool story bro
  3. You have had wars all week to participate in - knowing ASW was this weekend

    The only people this will effect is those who only war to refresh edge
  4. which is a lot of people Vix.

    All week... Actually just Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of this week. Lots of people only have warring ability on the weekends, and this will affect them as there are no wars available.

    If they would have known there were no available wars Thurs-sun, they could have warred last weekend. But devs weren't upfront about implications.
  5. Devs stated this week's schedule let Fri/sat....

    Enough information was given. Sorry to all who don't check forums or read their war schedule available in-game. Not really the developer's problem...
  6. They said "ASW sign ups will be begin on Thursday."

    Never did they mention the discontinuation of EE wars for the duration of 4 days
  7. No support.
  8. Support give us wars debate stop being scared.and lazy.
  9. No support - there was more than enough wars in past 10 days to extend EE beyond ASW weekend!

    Next time don't wait to last moment to refresh your EE.
  10. I got my wars in I want more wars give me ee and rancor RAGE!noob tears :*(