Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -TheDragonRider-, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Bronze bars been here for a while. I want to suggest putting out Silver bars for 50 mil each and gold bars at 100 mil each. I'm only suggesting this with the amount of gold needed now for hf lands and buildings. It's not easy to save. With these new silver bars and gold bars it's kinda like a banking system. Bronze bars are old and I think it's time for some upgrading on them. If you support  .ty for your time Kawmunity .
  2. Pooooiiiintlesss

    They have BB to bank in. Just because there will be more expensive bars they still will be doing the same thing.
  3. Bank in attack potsatleast they have a use
  4. Don't moan like a lazy fucker, just use the bronze bars or buy att pots.
  5. Support. It took me ages to drop 1.3T in bars a week ago.
  6. Sure would be nice to have an attack pot to bank in at 50m. Oh wait... We had one and all the 1 hr warriors complained about it
  7. Listen imagine being able to have like 10 gold bars worth 100 mil each instead of 100 bronze bars or something like that. It would be a bit easier to cash in gold bars or silver bars then bronze bars. Bronze bars are like such a noob thing lol. People with those big dollars be needing Gold Bars and or silver bars. Imagine gold bars dropping from an eb.. Just sayin. Support this idea.
  8. No support
  9. All those 1 hr warriors complained because their lame tower builds were actually getting hit by people . Lol. That's why we lost those pots. I loved those new pots . But once again we have to bow down to the tower spy builds and their lame war problems .." Oh take the pots away I'm getting hit and I have 20 towers" poor you. Grow a pair and drop the towers and use attacking. Spy attack and soldier attack. One day when I'm ready I will build a clan for war with all attack builds mostly attack builds or spy builds with more attack then towers. Then we will rip everyone apart.
  10. Pointless. No support
  11. Lmfao that math... 10 of the 100m instead of 100 bb...
  12. Already made a thread about this no need to clog up forums mate.
  13. No offense, but your idea is lame cause it will have the exact same purpose of bronze bars. I thought of the same thing once and I thought it was stupid. Nice try though. I think you should think of new pots instead of new banking. It would have a better use.
  14. I say that the higher you go up the more percentage of your gold you get back.

    So silver would refund more than bronze, and gold would refund more than silver .
  15. I agree that this is a crazy idea. A better idea in my personal opinion would be what other ata games use. An actual bank that has a one time 10% deposit fee.
  16. Lol, good luck to beat Rising Hawks.

    Time to bet!

    Who think OP's "future" clan can rip RH ?
  17. Both kaw_community and kaw_admin are sleeping so you won't get a response op
  18. It's a good time to strip em both^