Individual War Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 30, 2014.

  1. Simple war fix. When everyone has cast WOC and is in clan with enough to war , then at time of sign up present a menu to the admin signing up

    What war format are you signing for?




    Clan War selected
    The clan fights together with numbers
    You do not have enough with WOC
    DEFAULT TO INDIE FOMAT (work out the kinks because people join last minute all the time)

    otherwise choose indie and enjoy.
  2. Have a cleaner scheme made but i am working on something atm. Will post more later.
  3. Individual wars are actually better than any other wars u have created. Better fair matching I believe keep this project up.
  4. In s4 I hope u keep Indi wars but also have regular wars were u choose clans
  5. Kaw should give the time at all time zones for war to avoid miscalculations by players playing at night and wanting to catch some sleep first...
  6. I liked it just a long wait time suckes
  7. I love individual wars and is expecting a lot in the future.These kinds of wars are needed so that all kinds of players get a chance to war.Normaly people do accept only SH and tanks as is the case now.
    There was no problem for matchup and the roster was of equal strength
  8. Loved the Indy wars they been great
  9. Ok so hope ur still reading this thread

    So I'm worried ur going to an all individual style war system ... If u do that's fine I understand ur reasoning with all the exploits only way to ensure clans don't abuse the system is to take clans out of it or major changes to kaw mechanics kaw wide ...

    Here's the suggestion

    U are going to make all wars individual then the reward system needs revamped. U cannot hope to hold people to try to obtain rancor lvl 50 to win sets of equip when signing for indi wars as ur chance of winning is only 50/50 based on luck of ur placement (no clan teamwork or strategy can be built ). So restricting players to a 2 month period to try to obtain rancor for equip will be outdated and really unfair to participants ... That system was based off ur clan being better then opponents not u ...

    U have stated ur working on individual reward systems inside of wars but I would suggest going one set further and leveling the field for individuals for all ee wars

    Here's the idea ... Instead of rancor lvl 50 u win the 1/2 set of equip for that season ...

    U would do away with seasons totally (they aren't clan based so no point anymore in seasons anyway)

    Wat u would do is keep track of each players wins in ee (this would have to be retroactive to the start of season 1) and create lvls of wins to obtain each 1/2 set of equip

    Example (only and example u can make it whatever u deem fair)

    U win ur first 50 wars u get season 1 equip set

    U win ur first 100 wars u get season 2 equip

    U reach 150 wins u gets season 3 equip

    ... So on and so forth (as stated make this retroactive to the start of season 1 to be fair to all those that put effort into the broken system)

    This way as u win more wars u earn higher lvls of equip individual rewards for individual wars

    U would still release a new 1/2 set 2 times a year like now so people have new heights to reach for and would still need to win wars to collect mith to enchant equip

    This is the only fair way I can see u handing equip out now that ud have taken teams (work and cohesion) out of the equation

    Would be like the achievement badges u reach a certain lvl of wins here's ur rewards

    Might take some years some months some may already have enough wins for a bunch... But this reflects their support to the system and determination to get enough wins in a much more accurate way
  10. This idea also makes it so that u have to obtain all the lower their equip before u can go thru to the next lvl keeping all equip upto date and important allowing newer players to obtain the older equip as they come into the game at different times
  11. I like station's idea, it's pretty well thought out IMO
  12. Yes this was amazing our matchup was good and it's way better then trying to find a clan that will let you in. But y'all should have something where it like bans inactives from warring for a week if they don't play cuz it sucks to have leeches.
  13. I cast woc now i cant join in any clans cause there are no wars
  14. We need an Iwar inactive shame thread
  15. We are facing -imf- he is to strong. Not fare match up! Plz remove him. Plzzzz. I appreciate how hard u guys work!
  16. War sucks.. Tats all yee need ta know!
  17. It was fair match up till war #30,sry folks who r facing big lb which none of you able to win on and you have none on yr rosterī˜
  18. Devs if I wanted to war with a bunch of sh then I would of went to a lb/sh stacking clan. Please do not do this crap again. Top 50 builds match each other this is retarded. I been playing 3 plus years never seen a build with 0 sdt or spy attack I don't get up in the morning for this. This is a waste of my damn time win or lose.
  19. You really sorry about that ?
  20. Glad this is a test lol. Please don't do this again :)