Players would not get all aqua. That is a very short term observation. As for who gets what it is random.
Is it better to upgrade a volary all the way then move on to next land or buy a volary and leave it level 1 and move on to next land?
Because why not. Um...anyone remember the "Liberation incident" from a while ago? That might be it Or trying to impersonate Cella And countless other things
what happened to drops?this is my second post. Unlocks have no drops, ebs have no drops. Would you plz tell me why? speaking for more than one clan. Dont know where to look for your answer. Plz pm me or tell me where to look. Thank you very much.
Drops are extremely rare nowadays, as you can just buy equipment with Mith that's like 3x better and these hunts are also giving equipment. But you just have to really really get lucky... I see origins and reck are still dropping, just recently(a few weeks ago) I got the Abyssal Blade. It's just that the drop rate is extremely low at the present moment.