Bronze Bar Refunds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cruz, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. ^ princess i know your new here
    But im not sure your allowed to request a lock if your not op or the thread is against tou
  2. You can't request a lock on somebody else's thread :/
  3. No support

    Santa obviously has a bunch or refunded bronze bars from recent pot refunds and wants more gold.
  4. One you can , two I answered his question about bronze bar , two it's a forum I can say what I want this thread is a unless thread it will get trolled . Oh and put the shut to the up.
  5. no you cant request a lock on others thread, unless that thread breaks the rules
  6. I see it all the time noob
  7. Actually I had zero, but I'll remind you it's a suggestion. If you want complaining please enter my newsfeed so I can use the bb with your gold.
  8. I see people murder other people on the news all the time, does that mean it is okay for me to do it?
  9. No support
  10. All the others you see do it princess get forum banned, and im no noob, it seems your the noob with your comments so far
  11. Stop requesting lock now, you have no right to do that
  12. princess please leave the thread since you obviously do not know the tou
  13. Wow guys..... Santa took a few minutes out of his intensely busy year preparing for Christmas just for us and u all hate the idea? I personally, would really like these BB to return to 85% refund because pots have a purpose so they SHOULD sell for less. But BB, they have no purpose other than banking.

    I like the idea Mr. Claus :D just comes to show u have been around awhile :)
  14. One I don't have to leave and I can ask a mod to lock , PLEASE LOCK MOD
  15. If you get a high return for it what's the point in OSW lol
  16. lol i get your point dark. The purpose is to use them in different ways, rather than just having a few obsolete pros to it.
  17. The problem with making the return on selling them higher is that everyone who has ever bought and sold bronze bars would have to be refunded that gold.
  18. I read the first few post on page 1...there goes iron calling someone a baby...if I recall correctly however, iron called for a cf 2 times last night on balto's wall and then claimed that cella was her alt and then something about RedStar being with her.