As most of you know bronze bars was released a while back with no clear intention except to bank. As many other's have suggested the refund rate should be more than the 75% regular pots are sold at. If the real purpose of this item is to store gold for either osw or whatever the reason the percentage should be higher. I am not proposing to raise the amount to 100%, but I do think around 90% would suffice. The sole purpose of this thread is to show either support or no support since the only way to get the devs attention is through forums.
75 percent is perfect because most people actually know how to play this game without crying unlike you.
Do not see any crying in the least form in my post it was a suggested idea if you want crying please get in my newsfeed thanks and have a good day!
I'd like to say support, but I'm torn. I would like to see a buff in bb return because if they are strictly for banking then it should be more economically inclined. On the other hand, to get a 100% refund (more actually) you can bank in allies which is a risk and adds to the high-risk equal high-rewards system.
Great point if its only purpose is to be banked then it should have some advatage. However, they may have a different purpose for it later on that we have not been aware of.
Support, there's no point in them if you get the same return from pots as bronze bars if pots also have a use to them as well
No support, I personally hate bronze bars, I'll take the risk of putting my gold in allies so I don't lose the 25%. If you want to bank in bb that's fine, but you can just as easily bank in allies. At the most id say go up 5% but still would be against that idea.
Well since it's the same as all the others items the only advantage is quicker to bank than other pots. However since we saw the cost of the new items what is the point in banking in bbars if that not the quickest way anymore. Please devs conprosate it devs.
Yes once new items come out there will be little point to bb except if you're wanting to upgrade your banner.
Bronze bars are purely a method to bank on greater value than pots. No risk of being stripped and offers a safe bank at a fee. In other words it slows growth. Whilst I see your point a risk free war game is not very fulfilling. Allies pay better than bronze bars however you run a real risk of being stripped as I am sure you know. Price of being able to sleep at night or run the risk. Having it set at the value of pots makes sense, it reduces the appeal of them and forces players to choose between risk free play and whether they provoke that next conflict. The purpose of allies was to present that risk. However for players that don't have allies or only max plunder allies there is no real risk. Forcing them to make a sacrifice in gold is a fair price for running little risk in the game.
It only offers a small increase in price say to the highest attack pot, which in return has only the con of not accidentally using when hitting.
A great point though I could see the purpose if they raised the price up a little, that will help banking gold be much quicker.