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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Revenge of the warbeasts always dropped good, haunting is decent at seal drops too
  2. ive found tsg is best for seal drops, if you csn find a clan that will accept u for it and are big enough to hit it
  3. How would i come out if i bought 10 towers from highland for att side and 10 towers from hf land for spies and used rest of hf for attack building ? is that a good plan?
  4. If i start a perm silence chat in forum where can i post it
  5. Forum is not the place for that vuklas.

    A build like that is something you yourself would have to see if it works for you, heat
  6. Fan fiction
  7. Which pays better overall? The summoner or the sleeping giant?
  8. What do I need to do to my build to be able to war?
  9. The Summoner.
  10. What should I do to my build to make it war able?
  11. Drop your attack buildings and go ps
  12. For troops is it better to unload or use half bar on eb?
  13. The best way to make money is skimming. 2 atks or 3 assn every 5 mins. Adjust as necessary for your activity
  14. It's better to skim if u can, hit 2 or 4 times depending on preference.
  15. To maximize your plunder in ebs as a hitter, skimming your troops is the optimum. Best payout is reached by doing 2 att / 3 assa per 5 minutes. Spy skimming can be neglected for hitters as those won't earn you decent plunder anyway.

    This can however only be done if you are permanently online. So you will have to adjust your skimming scheme to your online activity. 4 att / 6 assa per 10 minutes or 6 att / 9 assa per 15 minutes are quite popular.

    To your question specifically, a 30 minutes skimming will bring you more gold than full unloads, if you can connect every half hour of course.

    PS: for spy builds, the skimming is valid for your spies (3 / 6 / 9 assa per 5 / 10 / 15 minutes) to maximize earnings. No need to skim att troops for spy builds.
  16. What's the total cost of a volary?
  17. Fairy, it's about 81b if I can do my math correctly
  18. 91b* sorry misclick on the screen.