Individual wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Milky65, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. KAW mods and Devs, I'm only asking for an honest discussion here. Please respond. Please don't be vague or give cookie cutter answers.

    So the individual wars have been great. Fair matches. Close outcomes. And I get it. You get to look at a broad spectrum of numbers(player's stats), pair them up and match them against equal teams. Perfect. But easy. Which brings me to my point.

    While we are all enjoying the individual wars, it's just an easy fix for you. We would all rather be warring with our home clans. You keep promising to fix the matchup system. But your solution is instead to so individual wars. Not cool.

    So let's get down to brass tacks. No pots. No crazy rules. Turn off DTW/DTS. Increase the payout for a big hitting a SH and vice versa. Make it equal. That's how simple it is. Let people war whatever build they have. This has been suggested numerous times yet you refuse to comment on it or acknowledge it. Why? Just have an open forum with us, the players.

    But even if you don't take my exact suggestion, please stop taking the easy way out. Individual wars is easy for you. No work. Your algae hurl actually gets the job done. But it's not what we want. We want to war with our families. Come on guys. We are tired of empty promises. Year after year it's "We are working on we war fixes" yet nothing actually happens.

    Please. I/we are begging you. Stop all the new lands new pots new war stuff and fix EE once and for all.
  2. Umm, algae hurl = algorithm. Sorry. Autocorrect.
  3. Even if they fixed plunder rosters would be stacked into some sort of advantage.. Theres almost always an exploit, inactives are the only flaw in individual wars thus far
  4. How is individual wars easy for them? You know hoe many people least for those wars? And then they have to match everyone up as equally as possible. Not really that easy. Wouldn't it just be easier to let you war with your home clan and let the computer do the rest?
  5. Individual wars are awesome and the only way
  6. The whole Clan v Clan warring system went down the drain when some idiot decided to stack GHs late 2012.

    Ever since then, you can't get into a clan without meeting some stupid build standard.

    But... With the addition of individual wars, anyone can participate and still have an even match up.
  7. AfrickinMEN

    I hope these individual wars lead to some way that clans can war together.
    This will give a reason for the wandering warrior to find a home and reward those that have worked hard to create home clans.
  8. No support
    Individual wars are perfect for eb noobs like me to get into wars and have some action
  9. How about some staggered start times throughout the week? Some at 10est some at 9est... Some of us can't make the earlier start times and it seems you catering to a specific group...
  10. It's not always the devs fault. Sometimes, it's the players stacking their roster to rig a 'No Match' for TVD. If you want to rage, go rage at them, since this has been happening for a while, and no matter what the devs do, someone will find a way to rig it, and someone will always be unhappy about it.
  11. Individual Wars are the best thing since EE began...except S1 maybe
  12. Individual wars are dawn near perfect. Times are even convenient. Go home op
  13. Could someone please explain how these individual wars work? Or link the thread for me :p
  14. Individual wars are the first (and quite possibly last) best thing that can happen to EE.
  15. No Support

    Support to Chaetier. Not everyone can get into a good war clan. Indi wars makes it so everybody can try. We should be able to kick inactives tho
  16. I'm I totally disagree...I think the ind. wars are better because you meet new people and with the clan wars there will never be all good matches because of the lack of clans and the diversity. No support
  17. Turning off dtw dts only hurts mids more... Idk why people are in favor of this. If anything they should DECREASE hit range.
  18. Sorry no support

    This is not Season Wars...these r wars for the devs to improve future EE. Talk apples n apples. War or don't war. More ppl enjoy Indy Wars so let them continue doing so. Til then war with your clan with any EB build u like in any other war not the Indy Wars. Stay out of EE if u prefer not facing war builds. Problem solved