Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What's the max amount of allies you can have? Mine is 460 but the oracle will let me buy another 10 for 105bil.
  2. Max is 550. 4 reset bonuses from before and 100 slots from oracle.
  3. What does the rancor spell do?
  4. The Rancor curse/vision is given to those who receive a no match in ee wars. They allow you to open the vanished paladin eb and allows you to sucessfully hit it.
  5. @Mango (and Tyeees)

    In fact, 6 resets gave (and still give?) you the maximum of 550 ally slots. You get 50 slots per reset, and it used to go infinitely high before the reset nerf. Since then the max is at 550 allies.
  6. So the overall max would be 650? 6 resets to 550 plus 100 slots from oracle.
  7. Could someone explain how to post images? I got photobucket, copied the IMG link into my clipboard, and used the [​IMG]
  8. Castiel are you on a phone/tablet/iPod? Or a PC?
  9. Make sure youve removed all ampersands and plus signs.
  10. How much dose it cost for castle lvl3
  11. What does advantage mean in terms of EE wars?
  12. You are able to come up early and when you choose as opposed to a set time or a random chosen time.
  13. Does relics drops show in clan history?
  14. Yes, relic drops will show in eb history.
  15. I don't think they show
  16. It will depend on your device. They show on PC and Android, cannot confirm for iDevice.
  17. Does anyone know which eb is best for seal drops? Apart from war beast