Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Immortal_Knight, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Wait, remind me how absolutely jovial you are that you're able to appeal three months after being permanently silenced (if at all, for those saying they had to wait longer.)

    After you're able to answer me this very simple question, do continue with your rant.

    (I know some may be wronged and were unrighteously silenced, but you can bring up evidence for your case at times.)
  2. remember that in this thread compensation would be nice but not the overall goal of the thread.
  3. well by adding it to opening post you sound like a greedy noob.

    If you didn't cry for compensation I would have supported you
  4. Just go for a walk and get over it.
  5. The guy should be given the same chance the rest of us get after he has done his time support
  6. Not how the world works unfortunately. Take your credit ratings for example. Defaults etc stay on your file for years, even if you have cleared the entire payment.
  7. Support. I've seen many people leave the game over a perm silence. Some fair, some not. All in all ,is a perm silence over WC spam really necessary?
  8. *not to mention some people get trolled so hard they lose they're cool and slip up.
  9. Maybe they should learn to not respond to trolls, rather than rage
  10. Everyones thrown ads on wc to be permenently silenced for it is mad a lot of clans would fail ebs if not fr outside help
  11. It seems a lot of people get off the subject at hand and post stupid crap just to look cool...however... After reading the entire post, I fully support!
    I have children, they take me away from wars, and that is my choice, no compensation... My kids are not even "KaW" related..
    If a "mod" makes a mistake it should be dealt with. Perhaps they should get 3-4 strikes... Why should a mod be able to just "do as they please". If a mod got mad and went around putting perm silence on whom ever they wanted with NO real proof of a wrong where does that leave the rest of us?
    Off subject, Omar is far from an EB fairy, he plays the game to his fullest ability and talks in wc, cc, walls, ext... I don't agree with his post here but he is respected to being a true kawer.
    Troll_Reborn, your cool, no need to bash someone else.. This post is fair weather he asked for compensation or not.. I mean really... The deal at hand is fact, the mod who did the wrong should be punished and put on a trial.. And when they do mess up, the wrong they did should be stripped off the players record..
  12. You want them to pay you, for wasting your time on a free to play game? I really dont think that is something an adult would say.
  13. You're cool*

  14. Put on trial for making a mistake? Seriously what the hell are you guys taking? For all you know it HAS been dealt with. You have no business asking for any proof etc as it's an internal matter. The silence has been taken off. If it has it has not been dealt with internally frankly is none of your business.

    You will NOT get compensation, you know how I know that?

  15. Aparently the mod has been reprimanded and i will put the ss up later.that is one battle won.now lets get back on topic here!
    A change to the tou violation system regarding a perm silence being taken from your record after doing the time.
  17. How does one max out their feedback?
  18. By sending multiple feedbacks per day.eventually it will tell you that you may no longer send feedback for the day.
  19. My perm silence lasted 27 hours