My apologies the correct math is that we should get 133.34% of what we spent in bronze bars. That way when we redeem the bars and get out 25% discount for doing so we will end with 100% of our loss refunded. 133.34 x .75(this is numerically the same as a 25% reduction) = 100.005. I'd say that's close enough and fair.
I read the post and understood correctly 100% value would be refunded. The new pots have disappeared from my inventory but no bronze bars have appeared as of yet. Is this due to the war about to start?.
I don't want a refund in bronze bars. I want the gold. It's y'all's screw up. You're apology is meaningless without making things more than right. That's what makes an apology meaningful and sincere, otherwise it just word service.
200b in those ******* pots and I got 41b in bronze bars. Now that doesn't seem anywhere close to what it should be.
I definitely didn't get enough bb's... Luckily I didn't buy more than 500 of each, but I got less than 1k back which makes no sense
Yeah devs. We paid gold for the new pits. Its only fair to get gold back. Not bronze bars that will make us loose gold when sold! not cool at all!