All of you are idiots. If you read the thread, it clearly states "we will be reimbursing 100% refund, in bronze bars" which means you will get 100% of what you spent, back.
They can't put it out in gold half the people who had to by them for ee are locked .. Or some are sleeping u can't just put that kinda gold out on people They will refund u the value 100% of wat u spent in bb (125%) so that when u sell it works out the same they have done this before for other things this they actually know how to do
Why bronze bar we use gold to buy and if we sell bar we only get back 60% back.then why u said 100% refund?
There's a difference between making players whole again and refunding only the purchase price Cashnub. But then again, I wouldn't expect your pea-sized brain to process this simple concept.
Lmfao devilmate. You get 75% back not 60%, that's allies. Alright I'm leaving this thread.. It's too frustrating LMFAO
Cowboy, the answer to your problem is to continue growing why should you start on even playing ground with people who have been playing the game longer or spent the time and/or money to build a bigger account? Hate to break it to you, but life isn't always fair
Cashnub, that was very creative. Followed the Apple insult system perfectly. No seriously. Please read the thread. Applenub.
It just keeps getting worse! Honestly I've just about had it devs! You've got no idea have you?..fix the war system (was better b4 u tampered) think of us mids and drop those pots.
They listened to our feedback (our insults) they took the new pots back and they give a refund. So Stop complaining now holy crap
To Kaw. Please refund in gold please as gold bars when redeemed will cost me a fortune if I want to convert to gold. Just refund us the gold. I for one spent 200b plus on those pots
It should be 125% of the pots so that when we redeem the bars we get all of our gold back. Otherwise we are losing a lot. the thread all the way through before you make a stupid comment. It says 100% refund. What that means is...YOULL GET A 100% REFUND. NOT 25% NOT 40% NOT 80%. 100% REFUND
125% of bb = 100% of wat u spent ... Wat part of this don't u get u will not lose a dime other then wat u already used