[NEW ITEMS] - Dragon's Breath, Smog Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. My new pots vanished wth
  2. Good decision. Please refund all gold spend. 
  3. Do not refund during war please.
  4. Only mistake devs made was listening to all the whining disable there feedback when you do put pots back out cause mark my word you fix it there will come more cries
  5. Yes, we are doing 100% refund, in Bronze Bars and it will be done before the war starts.
    Refund will only be for unused pots.
  6. Thanks for replying 
  7. 100% refund in bronze bars? What's the loss on those things? Should it be 140%?
  8. so we will lose 25% of our gold used?
  9. thx kaw for the swift respons 
  10. It has to be more than an 100% refund
  11. Stop crying. You where an idiot to bank in them. You knew people where mad about them and potentially they'd be revoked.
  12. Not 100% if I have to lose 25% to sell...my math shows 75% refund unless u give extra bb to cver drop price.
  13. Im an idiot val, I bought **** ton of sdp ones lol
  14. If you guys refund >100% I hope someone bought a shitload and now has a huge stockpile of no-loss bronze bars 
  15. Idiot to bank in pots? Lmao bank 10k is min def requirement.
  16. The refund in bronze bars needs to be at 133% not 100%. Come on devs get your act together.
  17. That's a load of CRAP! WE LOSE MONEY FROM BARS......
  18. Last time the devs gave refunds in bb, they gave extra so that after you drop the bb, you would have 100% of what you spent on the pots.
  19. Who banks in new pots that the community is raging about? I dunno what planet you iz on bro. But if you thought logical.
  20. Terra i bought 2k each def pot
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