I still think it would be a good idea to let the clan with no match have the option to war each other or do TVP.
They respond when they have an appropriate answer. They are busy. I can wait. And no offense but with bfe like yours kaw wars can't suck that bad.
We should test the theory ourselves. Get a bunch of clans together and fill them full of the mids. See what happens.
If clans sign up and get no match, what if devs then place those who casted into individual wars? that way they could still war. i understand that wouldnt work with clan owners, but its a thought
Don't know if this has been said yet and I'm to lazy to check all the pages so here it goes when placed in a clan only the top 5 in clan are given admin status can this b changed to everyone being given it, it would make it easier for wc/trackers if they r not in that top 5 or so
Awesome. I believe that getting back to the basics of EE needs to happen. You dont see many mismatches happen and I feel like youre categorizing build types very well devs. I hope the data you gather helps with season 4 matching. Fantasic job.
I did my first individual war and it is perhaps the fairest war I've seen in a long long time. No sh. On both sides! Lb on both sides. Clan bonus the same. (not sure if this matters) No sh in my bracket Very similar to something I posted (and many others) suggested a long time ago. Glad u done it. Good job. It would be great if we could somehow keep the war history though. Maybe re-use clan names and reset everything except for war history.
Most ppl prefer to war in their home clan. Individual wars could be seen as higher risk for rostering and match ups. Is there any way to enable the same individual wars incorporating a rule as follows: Cast WoC in home clan(no need to leave clan) Auto generate clans/rosters as usual but....try keeping members together from clans cast? That way u may get to war with potentially 50% of ur clan per war.
All I know is your matching system in individual wars is vastly superior to your clan ee matching. U need to take a hard look at diffrences, and realize war teirs is a readily available fix. Something simple like your bottom three must be able to hit your top three to sign up.
I personally found no flaws in the individual war system.i do have to say that it was alot more fun because it was advantage war.classic is so boring these days
These wars were great!!! I get to war others my size instead of getting pinned by huge accounts, great fir giving everyone a chance to war! I really enjoyed these wars too! They were a great way to meet new people and i want more individual wars!!!!!!!