Though there seems to be a lot of outcry for pvp updates, at the same time it doesnt seem that there are many comprehensive ideas being generated about what those updates would entail. This is one: The Hit List The hit list is a tab much like the battle list. It allows you to search for players, refresh targets, and gives you a link to the profiles of targets. So what does it do? The hit list is a place to post targets. Want someone pnz, but cant do it yourself? Put him on the hit list. Can't deal with a 1v1 because you iz noob? Put him on the hit list. Trolling your friend? Put him on the hit list. How does one go on the Hit List? There is a button on everyone's profile called "Mark for Death." This could go all the way at the bottom of their profile or next to the hire/attack/follow buttons at the top. Tab that button. You will be given an option of paying for their listing with Gold or Nobility. The gold would scale as they get bigger in proportion to size (personally I think it could scale off the max plunder bonus, possibly x3, x5, x10, etc.), but the number of nobility required would always be the same. Once you have paid, the target goes on the Hit List. Hit List Mechanics/Rewards A target on the hitlist has the same mechanics as a target in ee war; i.e. the only objective is to knock them out regardless of build type, whether they have gold out, etc. Landing the knockout hit earns you things! :!: New Achievement! Highwayman: Kill 5/25/50 Targets (grants at 4% bonus to attack/spy attack) Mercenary: Kill 100/150/200 Targets (grants a 2% bonus to attack/spy attack) Hitman: Kill 500/1000/2000 Targets (grants a 1% bonus to attack/spy attack) :!: Gold! You earn gold equal to the contract price. :!: Nobility, Aqua, Inferno, and Bronze Bars randomly drop from hitting targets! This way, there are rewards even if your timing isn't very good. FAQs (that I could think of) :?: If an LB player wants someone pinned, can't they "chain" (continually put him up for death) him? :arrow: Not necessarily, a cap could be put in place, such as once every 6 hours (could easily be more or less, but 6 sounds good right now.) :?: Can't someone just keep hitlisting their alt? :arrow: Yes, but they wouldnt be making any gold even if they were able to land the last hit every time, and if they're willing to do that much for a chance at the other rewards, so be it. :?: Is there a dts/dtw? :arrow: Yes, but the ranges are much higher. It would be both amusing and beneficial (for the small account) for a tiny account to land a lucky KO hit on a much larger account. :?: I like ebs. Can I be saved from the Hit List pwease? :arrow: No. Unless there seems to be overwhelming support for a "Hidden from Hit List" Spell, those changes won't be included in this thread. Post Support, Questions, Adjustments (Please explain why no support) below!
Ignore my recent comment, I missed the top paragraph. .-. I shouldn't forum when I first wake up :lol:
Meh, it seems like a stalemate to me. I put a player on the list and then they put me on the list. I'd rather just go 1v1, but to each his own I suppose.
That's an interesting point shadowassassin. Would it make it more fun/interesting if the hitlister was anonymous?
Well, I'd prefer to know the name so I can at least counter instead of being continually ambushed for the rest of my KaW-reer๎
Maybe, but it would have to be a lot. I have seem a similar system implemented in a similar, all be it a less popular, medieval online app. It was enjoyable to an extent, but it just seemed to be too complex and it never truly promoted actually 1v1 battle. My only idea to proportionate this imbalance would be to use battle wins as a currency to put the player on the hit list. Ex. 25 successful hits on the player allows you to hit list that player. Once again you would have to account for alts, but I'm sure there is a way to minimize that particular loophole.
Support. I didn't read all of It so not sure if this was in there or not but...It would only grab my attention fully if this was a limited thing, as in you can only do it once every so often. If you have the option to do this anytime all the time, noob rage would get out of hand in some clans and someone would leave and post everyone that made them mad at the clan on the hit list.