Dragon Melee Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 23, 2014.

  1. Leaderboard has been updated!
  2. Whewwww update unexpected!!!!
  3. 4,900 off top 100. Won't be happening ๎’๎’๎’
  4. Kaw the total number collected today is definitely a little messed up. Fix the comma for my OCD please๎’
  5. wow very nice KaW
  6. Devs fix 10/6 update: its 14,1545 thousands instead of 141,545 :D
  7. Please fix the comma placement on total amount of eggs collected
  8. Devs please reward those between 6000-top 5000. It's unfair on those who just fall short to get the same as those who got 1500 less.
  9. How many more days left till this hunt ends?? I'm so close to the top 5k. :-/ my newfound eb fairyness... -sigh-
  10. 177 the event ends tomorrow.
  11. Fml. Thnx santa lol. Doesn't look like I will make it.
  12. It think you mean 141mil eggs earned total kaw community :D not 14,1545,146...
  13. 14,1545,146? That's a number? o_O whoa. That's new to me.
  14. I just hope I stay top 5k :)
  15. Should list top100. Would be nice to see where they stack up
  16. Perhaps an update on lb soon to reflect any last minute grinding that has to be done?