2014 Dragon Melee

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 21, 2014.

  1. Oh in order to get into a clan that does,that guess what you have to spend money on seals. My point is vaild for u have to spend money just to join a clan or win a stupid raffle or event in this game
  2. Lady, according to this hunts achievements, there will only be 1 winner as only 1 person can have the gold achievement lvl5.

    Another thing to throw in is the fact that you do not have to spend money to get anywhere in this game, let's say you get into a regular haunting clan and after 2 weeks, a seal drops and it just so happens to drop for you. What are you going to do? You're going to join an hte clan that will allow you to stay for the most amount of time that is possible that you've just hated on. Then let's say after you get into an hte clan, you get a few horn drops while participating in hte's, then once your pass expires you go to a b2b rotwb clan and just so happen to have luck to receive another 1-2 seals.

    Point is, you don't have to spend money, you have to spend time. Stop complaining and get with the program
  3. Devs this equip better be better than last time by a lot, otherwise this will be worthless, we'll complain, and y'all probs change stats again.
  4. What are the stats lol? It's the ninth towards the ends of the event and we don't know lol
  5. @ bolt of lightning.
    So you join a clan get a seal that they helped you get, and you run off to a b2b hte clan?
    Enjoy being farmed much whilst trying to do hte? Most clans operate a " if it drops here, use it here" policy and good for them. I support that as they helped players earn that drop. To run off and throw it in their faces I wouldn't blame any clan that farms such players.
    Unfortunately there is no point in a free drop if your going to get farmed out if the game for running off with it.
    So yes the pressure is pay to play. The whole structure of hunts is based on pay to play experience. If it were not the drops would be based on actions regardless of type.
    Who cares if you get a bottom tier reward for doing what you do normally. Everyone knows anything else requires spending real money, we all know it. Chase hte or ee ignore those and you wont grow chasingany event And either choose to ignore these events ( like myself ) or spend to stand a chance to get piece of either crap equip that causes outrage when it comes out. Or an overpowered piece of equipment that will unbalance any pvp action.
    If the devs cared about responding to this they would have said why they won't adopt a method that includes every player regardless of the type if action and gameplay. Why they will not support the larger clans running high tier ebs getting sfa in the way of egg drops unless they switch to hte.
    And if they wanted to be open with their customers and reveal stats upfront everyone could have made a decision based on value as to whether they actually desire the equipment enough to hunt it.

    It's that last part that has ensured I will not chase it. I don't go into a supermarket and buy a tin of unlabelled food, I don't go into a shop and buy an unlabelled box.
    And unsurprisingly I don't spend on an app chasing an event where I have no information on the value of my purchase.
    If kaw is going to insist on making these pay to play fine. But tell us upfront what we are paying for. Then there is absolutely no reason for anyone to complain as to whether they desire to hunt or not.
  6. Devs need to remove 3x ebs from these so called contests. All the top players spend there money. Basically do no work, for there shiny new junk in which they probably wont ever use. Once again another ata disgrace.
  7. Why ppl mad about this they trying to run a business.. You try doing what they are doing and keeping it free without ads... Js. Appreciate what you get . ffs.
  8. Lol devs will always make the x3 Ebs offer more reward for these events to get players that pay well to pay more. That's the whole point of these events... Not for our enjoyment, it's an awesome cash cow for the devs as much as I don't care for this event I would like to say thank you to ata for not changing the rules half way through like last time. And just an FYI for those whining I got over 4500 eggs without changing my normal Ebs that I like to do and that's summoner.
  9. this thing over yet?
  10. How strong is the armor
  11. I know the event is not over with yet, but I would just like to be the first to say congrats to everyone. I'd like to thank certain special admins, and in particular a few friends, Alo, Ele, Nem, Diya, Mark, and a few others who have really helped me collect eggs and provided support. You guys really are amazing and wish you all the best
  12. I wonder if they will do anything for the extra eggs over 4500 you collect. Probably not but it would be awesome if they did
  13. Thanks for tthe shout out emp ;)

    Haha jk the names u listed have been great help the duration of the event. Dont think I would have as many eggs I do if it wasnt for them.
  14. Why does smog look the best, gold looks to bland
  15. how many hrs left. 7?
  16. How immediately will we get our rewards tomorrow?
  17. Damn who ever gets picked out of the raffle is lucky 10 seals
  18. You too, Emp! Keep doing the penguin seal dance! Haha :)) Ty :)) (*^﹏^*)