[NEW ITEMS] - Dragon's Breath, Smog Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. How about we take out spy buildings all together solution to noob sh
  2. Just finished The Summoner and no Free pot drops. Where are those lousy devs hiding. Come out and explain what goes you Apes!!
  3. Awesome art work great looking pots devs.
  4. Really. Ur solution to too many pots is another set of pots
  5. The artist did a great job
  6. As long as we get them for free from eba we can sell them to help with upgrades since they're hella exspensive. So thank you devs!
  7. Devs have just basically taken gold out of the economy of KAW. Inflation was going crazy. Ally prices climbing. Needed to add something other than buildings or land to spend gold on. Either way I'm still not happy.
  8. This was a fail move devs.
  9. There is now zero reason to spend a dime on this game and every leaderboard player should contact their lawyer for a full refund.
    If hitting an eb can produce the gold to buy a pot that equals the firepower of over 10t in bfa, then bfa is now null and void, devs should start printing the refund checks.
  10. No one asked valor
  11. already has dragon breath
  12. Here is what should happen: "We, the Devs, acknowledge the overwhelming negative feedback regarding the new pots. We hear you and respect you, especially because you are the ones playing our game and paying our salaries. We are removing the new pots from the game immediately and refunding all gold spent on these pots. We try to improve the game for you all and sometimes we get it wrong. We're not perfect. Thank you for your feedback."

    Just man-up, Devs. You made a mistake. Own it, fix it and move forward.
  13. One Question, whats the point of these pots?
  14. Art is awesome but too op lower stats
  15. The tank build is becoming too prominent in wars. I'm glad these new pots are here because now maybe there's room for more diverse builds in war. Besides, they're 50bil, so I doubt you have to worry about being crushed by a huge number of this new pot
  16. Exactly what Valor said  With these new pots, my build can tear through 5m in adt to receive a huge payout off any mid or hansel. It's just not the right move for the game devs. It renders SDT and ADT practically useless unless you have like 6m of each. My thoughts anyway ️
  17. Yeah, that's not going to happen. Devs will drag their feet, hoping the problem will fix itself. By the time they figure out that it won't, it will be too late, trillions spent and lost, they will watch more ppl quit, then come out with a half assed bandaid solution. It won't quite work, but if you hadn't quit yet you probably won't until the next debacle.
  18. Do devs even talk to the mods about what there plans r to do with the game? Any mod that plays this game a whille would see this as a bad idea. I thought one of the things there where mods was to hell devs with what the players wanted?
  19. You think 34 pages is going to get them to change something ? Think about the endless threads upon threads about ee with people screaming their heads off while they up in Vancouver working on smash . 34 pages won't change **** .
  20. Never give a men's job to a monkey(Ape) to finish. This game is going to the dumps!

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