
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TFE_Longboarddude44_TFE, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Hello i think there should be a change of kaw where u place the troops like clans and make this game alot like clash of clans who likes my idea and is with me i think its great
  2.  naaaahh
  3. Um well... Why dont you go play clash of clans and keep kaw like it is?
  4. Wtf. No not at all. This isn't CoC. You want that? Go play CoC. You still wanna play KaW? Play KaW!

    No support
  5. KaW =/= CoC
  6. -100% support
  7. This game was created years before your beloved pansy game was made.
  8. I wonder if the PvP merc idea ever came around so I can hire someone to farm this nub.
  9. Battling** (couldn't help but notice your misspelling in title)
  10. Battling*