[NEW ITEMS] - Dragon's Breath, Smog Screen

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. I was finally able to stop a few scouts. I guess I can forever give up on that happening again.
    Thanks Devs.
  2. Thanks devs. Now I think its time to rejoin the ranks of the retired. Just when I thought you were on to something with the individual war matchups... You go and throw the balance back out the window. Might as well just stick with your EB fairy builds people. Towers are now useless
  3. This definatly has to be a pisstake, surely.
  4. If u can't get threw towers then grow your bfa....it's that simple
  5. Maybe its the beginning of something bigger and better. All you Whiney babies need to chill and relax. Give the Deb's time to implement stuff
  6. No support, wtf
  7. All this testing, what did you find? That SH didn't have an easy enough time succeeding? Rather than fix existing problems, this makes them worse. No more money from me until your heads are removed from your rumps. Terrible job, just terrible.
  8. Implement what? They gone off track...say they do this fix that ain't done crap...dev just stringing us along for the ride hoping that kaw will get better
  9. Technically war is more fair. Now anyone can be a sh and not worry about needing bfa. The pots wil handle it all for you :)
  10. Why did this thread no longer in active ? 
  11. Goooo diiiiieeeeeee <2trill per 5k pots now soooo not even worth apart from SAP and AP
  12. And there you have it. But NOOOOOO now all you have to do is spen 50m on a pot and BOOM thats better than a 200b ally of equal bfa. Just goes to show you can't fix stupid. Sheesh! Just when this group of circus chimps started doing one thing half assed well, get a few at'a boys, they decide their Einstein and go on a screw that up. Do they not know that there are SH in the top….idk….100,200,300,600 ally lb who have HUGE attackk bfa that can already shred through 2-2.5m adt? Retorical. Because obviously they don't…….
  13. So where are the devs then lol? They cannot just drop a bomb like this and not stick around to explain their decisions lol.
  14. Did you GENIUSES (term used loosely) @ ATA not learn your lesson the last time you had this hair brained idea/ You trotted out the hammers and amulets w/out a defensive counter and the entire game went…..ape ****. Why would you put yourself in the same position again with the same issue. I don't know, maybe, just maybe, you should try NOT to have to deal with damage control and start doing some REAL up front thinking. Like, have everyone work on a single issue together. As opposed to all your little caged chimps doing their own little thing and not conversing. Just trotting out "finished" products because they met a deadline….just a thought.=

    Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

    That steaming pile of monkey dung who decided to repeat this error needs to have some serious counseling…….
  15. Why so much complaints???, HF builds are super strong, isnt it obvious we should hv new spells too ???
  16. To make such a bold change as impactful as this without first soliciting what the community wants is unwise and further alienates players from the developers. It takes time and effort to build a proper BFA, it also takes a sacrifice to plunder earnings by building towers. Now you (ATA) wants to minimize the efforts of BFA building and plunder loss (due to towers) with your magical new pots. It appears as though you are not in touch with the community and this is a step in the wrong direction.
  17. Build more towers, cry less.
  18. They scratching their balls and discussing if they should roll out Toilet Rolls hunting on June 13th or not...
  19. Spragga returns...
  20. Clueless pot change. Thanks devs.
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