If you know the rules why have you been silenced at least 3x? You can blame a mod for last silence but you screwed up the first couple times
sexy bella sure didn't read the thread.I'm not whinneing and didn't get caught doing anything. and omar yes my first 3 silences I own up to. they were on a persons wall though, not a public channel and I knew him for a year so he wasn't a kid either. Even still I stand by my opinion that when you serve a full year of perm silence you should have warnings reset. I obey the TOU so all u crap talkers who are not fully reading the thread and don't actually know me are wrong on more than one note.
Perm silence should allow to talk in clan chat as a person can never be silenced due to clan chat. Clan chat isnt moderated by tou; therefore should not be included in the punsihment.
No. No no no. You have 3 chances, then a fourth. You want 6? Then you'll ask for 9 and so on, no support
After an entire year omar yes i want 24hour silences back.im not saying give verbal non consequential warnings.it quite litterally is crap that a person goes instantly back to perm silence.you have voiced your opinion omar.even though you dont agree i thank you for your time for actually reading the thread.now stay out of the thread plz
Lol a year you better go email devs after 3months but thats not that bad I got ip banned from numerous great games.
There shouldn't be any perm silences. It's the mods jobs to silence but not forever. Without any mods to silence, they don't have any jobs to do
This game needs mods because of unsavory people unfortunately.been 3 days and no reply from devs at all.they wont reply to my email because there is no proof and they are more than likely sitting there asking themselves why did they make the person who silenced me a mod !!
Yeah perm silence should not b there. Its very diff. To get into war, hte clans. Cant even pm others. This is rididi...............culooouuuuuuussssssssssssss.
http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/hatchetjoel/library/ that is the link to see the 2 messages I received from kaw. Now that the truth has come out and my silence lifted where do I stand on this subject? I firmly believe I had to go through too much hassle in order to contact anyone because of the fact that I was already perm silenced previously. For those of you that don't know if you have already been perm silenced you automatically are required to wait 3 months to even discuss let alone appeal the silence you may have just received. I sent 2 emails and maxed out my feedback for 3 days. I was completely innocent and I want something to be done about this.Not only am I disappointed with the mod that failed to own up to his/her mistake but I'm disappointed with the system. Majority of us kawers are grown ups and will agree that doing a full year or even 9 months of perm silence is enough.After time served it should be expunged from our personal records or not apply anymore. Due to the current system I personally lost a few hours of my time to this situation and 3 days of in game communication(which we all know is important). I was unable to war for starters because I'm a war commander I wouldn't have been able to command! Long story short I would like compensation for my time being wasted by another persons mistake, and for the mod to be suspended and evaluated. Let's be honest here,mistakes happen but it's what you do after the mistake is made that defines you as a person.The mod who made the mistake obviously didn't tell the developers what had transpired or I wouldn't have had to go through the hassle I went through to fix their mistake. This game cannot have mods like that!!!That's the only reason why I want the mod suspended! I hope that this thread now receives more support than it already has and that the flaw in the system is changed.Devs I await your reply via kaw or email for my compensation and information on the disciplinary action taken on the mod that did a extremely poor job. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR RIGHTING A MODS WRONG!!NOW TAKE IT 1 STEP FURTHER sincerely,IDllGlIUllElIRllIlILIILIlAllSl (aka pay) P.S.I have done my time and I uphold the tou and am still waiting on a response for my mod application
Same for me man I'm sick of waiting ingot perm silence for telling a mod wat some jackolope kept putting on my wall ya I got in lots of arguments and silenced for b.s but I sent email to mad s 2nd day of my 3 months and hav sent more just waiting its been closes to a week or two
But I've learned my lesson and won't do it again what's the point of appealing if they don't do anything
Support in general, however some ppl do need to remember it's a game and not get carried away. I for one have more RL issues to get worked up about ️peace out people