I never asked for the mod friends names, I just pointed out that you can PM them from a different account. The warning is in your previous silence. If you can't follow the rules then that's your own damn problem. How on earth is one of the most basic dynamics of society lost on people? Do bad - get punished. Deal with it.
I think you got the warning... At least I did when I was unsilenced. I was told I'll be perm silenced again without any possibility to make an appeal at my FIRST ofense. So there was my warning.
If he was silenced by a mod then he received a pm. That's the way the system is set up. During the silence process mods fill out a brief report detailing the offense, a copy of it goes to support to review and a copy gets sent to the offender via a pm. I don't support a clean slate after an appeal for the simple fact that players have already been given their chances. It's that thin ice you're referring to that keeps most second offenders in line. I do however support a good behavior system. You obey the ToU for a year or so and a silence gets stricken from your record.
I recieved the message in my news feed that i posted inapropriate content in a pulic channel.that is impossible because i did not go into wc or forums all day.cc and pm r not pulcic channels.that is why i asked for proof.it and i guarantee that there is none.Once again this thread is about after doing a year of silence that you be given a clean slate. Accidents do happen.In my current situation that doesnt apply. I know the rules and ways that a person can get silenced.i abide by them and even uphold them since i learned how precious having a voice in kaw is. thank those of you who support getting rid of this extreme rule
If you're silenced now you can still use pm and cc (don't know about ac). A long time ago I was silenced on an old account for spamming wc with ads. That was my fault and back then the only means of communication without forums was CA. I learned my lesson after 15 minutes I to my first and only silence (and hopefully my last) and people aren't thinking straight or forward enough if they get perm silenced. You can appeal after 3 months too No support.
How many chances do you need? Stop being an idiot. You get silenced for breaking the rules on a 9 game, and you want to swear (or whatever) in front of children again? Your account should get reset on 3rd silence.
if u r silenced now u cannot pm or cc. only ca. and secondly this isn't about chances being given then silence.this is about 0 chances being given because I was perm silenced for a year already.simple when u r unsilenced after a full year of being silenced you should be given the 3 chances again, not straight to perm silence again. to be honest if you have never been perm silenced then you have no idea what its like to not be able to voice your opinion for a full year.so really cant relate to the situation.
So being VK gives you the right to call people like that Swabia? Anyways some empathy should be shown from mods here... He didn't do something so instead fighting you should give a solution.
Just make it $50 bucks to get unsilenced after 3 money. They would either get frustrated and just quit, or the devs would make 50 bucks. Win win
What's VK got to do with swearing/bypassing to a potential audience of children? Look, I didn't get VK for being nice. After your first silence you know how the system works. How many chances do you need? I say reset on 4th offense. You've successfully petitioned an extra strike and now you're done if you mess up again.
OP you are an idiot... How can you keep Saying you had no chances when you were already perm silenced before? That would be 3 chances, they gave you a fourth chance and you still wanted to be a loser and break tou... I agree with Swabia, you should be reset on a fourth offence...
I'm permanently silenced and I just emailed devs after waiting 3 months like they said. I get a reply from them saying they're gonna make me wait until April 15th of 2015 so that I can send ANOTHER appeal they made me wait 3 months just to tell me to wait a year to send an appeal
and that's really stupid. and swaba I still have no idea how I even was silenced.like I said in the post(to all you half readers) I was silenced for posting inappropriate content in a public channel. I wasn't in a public channel at all that day. and swaba I said once already I know the rules and even uphold them.i have even assisted in many people getting silenced. I don't sear or anything in a place where kids can c it. how and why in the world they gave u vk I don't know.
and that's really stupid. and swabia I still have no idea how I even was silenced.like I said in the post(to all you half readers) I was silenced for posting inappropriate content in a public channel. I wasn't in a public channel at all that day. and swabia I said once already I know the rules and even uphold them.i have even assisted in many people getting silenced. I don't sear or anything in a place where kids can c it. how and why in the world they gave u vk I don't know. it has been over 24hrs and I have still not seen any proof from the devs!! BECAUSE THERE IS NONE AND THE MOD WHO SILENCED ME SHOULD BE STRIPPED OF MOD FOR THIER MISTAKE
See, only half the people read your posts because only half can try to understand what you're trying to type. Proofreading is your friend
Follow the rules....its that easy.The ToU is there for a reason. You break the rules, expect consequences for it. Quit whining over getting caught. Follow the rules...then you won't be silenced for your stupidity. There are kids playing this game. Rude and obscene comments are not tolerated. Accept your consequences and move on.