Speaker Request

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Support

    +Remove speaker cap for all
  2. Well you get banned for spam anyways so why not?
  3. Support + remove cap support
  4. Support! A virtual item that used to communicate, which is a key part of the game, should not be so tightly restricted! If it does come to spamming, ad a spam block! Too many messages sent in a certain time prevent the user from sending anymore for x amount of time!
  5. support, but They should raise the cap of speaks only for people with pro packs and Give us pro packs more speaks a day 15 would be nice :D
  6. Support!.. May be also put a delay so that people can't post too fast and flood spam
  7. Send an email to the devs! Get a supoort counter up and maybe it will happen for us vets!
  8. said this many times android already gets 5 free everyday give free to pc too
  9. You can spend $1 a day (less than the price of a cup of coffee) and support a UNICEF kid...or buy some speakers and support a computer programmer....or both...or neither ;)
  10. Hell I'll support
  11. Total support.