Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Immortal_Knight, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Ive seen plenty of fairies, ewarriors, and pvp'ers rage and get perm silenced. The way you play doesnt decide if you break tou
  2. And really dg? You're in a big eb clan calling me a fairy, dats cuute
  3. Bro,YOU GOT THREE CHANCES.How do you screw up three times?
  4. Killzone you're still a dumb teen.

  5. Kc, just no
  6. Support here. Give the man a chance for crying out loud. It's a freaking game. Or repost what he did to get silenced.
  7. Support as well.
  8. Support, shouldn't matter what number strike its on, their should always be a msg detailing the offense.
  9. U wot m8?
  10. No support.
  11. I remember when silences used to be actually permanent.. Now you can appeal after a few months. No support for a perm silence made even shorter. You can always appeal if you think the silence was unfair, of course...
  12. Like when benny silence a lot of kaw players to free the word that he quit mod
  13. Um, you say you were silenced on your main, but if it was 24h you would pm some mod friends? Why don't you just pm from that account? It might seem a bit obvious to some.. Although you may ofcourse not have any mod friends, or....

    Wait for it....

  14. Im actually laughing at that Rio :lol:
  15. Allowed*

    You were perm silenced so you can focus on your school work little homie, so take this opportunity to pick up a big blue book by a man named Webster and....

    Read that **** for fucks sake!!
  16. This isn't short, it isn't simple because I can't read all those words without a pause between any, and it makes no sense and just runs on.
  17. wow 1st mod to post on here and he entirely misses the point of the thread,
    its not to make perm silences shorter!its to have warnings and 24hr silences reset after being silenced for a whole year.
    and im not naming my mod friends lol