Regarding Leaderboard Position Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Attacking other players is NOT a great way to improve your leadership position. Horrible strategy.
  2. Unranked to Unrankedededed. sweet
  3. Attacking other players? Explain that in more detail how does that help?
  4. C'mon Kaw_Community, I'm still waiting on the real explanation. You expect us to believe that clan rank and leader board was somehow wrong and now it's fixed? If that's the case, it's been wrong for quite some time. Was it wrong when T5 came out? I BC'd quite quickly then too. Moved up leaderboard and slowly fell as people that were originally bigger because of their allies bc'd their builds. I would have thought, the same thing would happen with lvl 4 and 5 but oh no, you decided to change the way things are weighted. I think your full of crap and getting on here and blowing smoke up people's ass's about how they will move up if they do this or that is misdirection. You butt monkeys changed something in the way strength is calculated. You weighted allies more and you should own up to it.
  5. What are you guys complaining about anyways? About a number that doesnt matter all? -.-"
  6. I dropped 350ish spots in overall rank. All gold from here on out to allies I guess.
  7. Actually, it does matter. If allies are weighted more it changes who can hit who. Small accounts with lots of BFA can more easily win on bigger accounts with low BFA. Your spy build there becomes less effective unless you yourself build up your BFA. There are game mechanics being changed here and passed off as a fix to a so called "broken" leaderboard and clan ranking system. So yes it does matter!
  8. #Itdoesmatter#Endtheapathy#BFAisGodnow#Devscomecleanandsayit#specificswouldbenice#Thanks
  9. How about a battle lb that doesn't include how much you've hit an eb at all . Pretty ridiculous that those actions count toward achievements and bonus %'s anyway. Overall yeah who cares. But this game is the thing most of us spend all our free time on in our day.
  10. I dropped 50 spots overnight... Been UG every 2-3 days and almost BC again... Have not hired an Allie since new levels Release... WTF !!!... Stop UG.. Just hire allies n you climb the ranking 
  11. Allies are still as strong as before, they give 2% of their stats to owner. Allies may bring you higher in LB but thats just a number after all... It doesn't make you any stronger
  12. You are ignorant. I am saying they changed the number. Get your head out of your ass and wake up. People do not drop 100s of spots on leaderboard or down in clan rank if game mechanics stay the same.
  13. 1•Does spy actions included in calculating overall lb? if so even scouts r calculated right? bit confussed as battles won r calculated with only troop actions .

    2•Does our hire value make changes in overall lb . Is it counted too?

    3•which is heavily taken to calculate overall lb ? stats or bfa or battles won or hire value . I guess its stats . If so ,can devs provide us how u count bfa,battles won and hire value to make overall lb ? thanks .
  14. So your saying you made towers count for less in ranking since they decrease plunder? You said plunder is directly related to strength which is not true I dropped below a lot of eb builds because of this adjustment
  15. I Fight Osw - afther 1 Year the Cost its half - and i upgrade then - so i have fun and nothing to lose ️
  16. I fully agree with twosocs opinión about the changes there have been made.
    It is crap and U (devs) know but U try to camouflage it with a lot of words and words and words.
    I vote for returning to how it was before this totally unnecessary changes.

    Signed by BossNash_Binks
  17. In agreement with twosox look at suzielonger and her stats then look at the person belong her.