Anxious to see what equipment awaits you at the end of the 2014 Dragon Melee? We've already revealed the Valley Dragon Chestplate on Facebook and the Smog Dragon Chestplate on twitter. Now it's time for the Treasure Dragon Chestplate! This time, you're going to have to work together in search of treasure. We've hidden various pieces of the chestplate in various forum posts (they can be almost anywhere, including other people's posts) and it's up to you to find them, share them with each other in this thread, and assemble the final image. We'll start you out with the first piece of the puzzle! Good luck! Good work everyone on finding the pieces. Resilience has thrown together the pieces into a completed image! Go to this link (on any device) and proceed with the following. Click "choose file" and pick your photo that you have already taken, or if you have not yet, click "take photo" and take one then and there. Go to "Resize" and make it 320x240 and upload it. Wait for it to load. Now copy the IMG code to your clipboard. The bbcode is already there for you, it is literally just copy and paste that string of characters and that's your picture ready to go.
I have a feeling there is one in the "2014 drain melee" one but there Is 90 pages we would have to go through...