[UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4 & 5 Building Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    is that the story you're going with . Yes, it hurts when you fail scout me consistently on the attack phase of eBs or between eBs
  2. What changes were made that is causing spy builds to drop rank and LB changes?
  3. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    Calm down apple.. I'll kill your spies whenever I want. And you'll LIKE it.
  4. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    I went from 3700 overall LB strength to 4200 overall. That's crap that I dropped 500 spots overnight. I think a mutiny is in order lol
  5. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    Lol. I'm not amused. I've gone from #76 to # 85 
  6. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    Thanks for this adjustment. There was little incentive to add lvl 4 and 5 buildings in the HF.
  7. How exactly do us spies grow quicker? More expensive buildings. Check. Requiring pots or great bfe to marginally make a decent per hit profit. Check. Forced to skim if we want top10 in plunder while still making less if an attack build skims. Check. Roughly 75% the cs of said attack build with same amount of lands/tiers built. Check.
  8. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    Dropped nearly 300 spots on overall lb rank. Thats not funny. I have no spy build. Why did i drop drastic?
  9. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    I do not understand why the developers are segregating spies. We do not have a spy banner. Now you diminished our strength via clan rank and leaderboard. I dropped from 230 overall to 400.
  10. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    Dropped 2400 overall to 3200 overall and 10 clan ranks. So you are just making it impossible to be a spy on lb? Just BC the spies and then continue your nerf. I'm tired of paying to be gimped after plenty of money has been spent to be where I'm at. STOP THE MADNESS 
  11. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    This is the KAW equivalent of "we've lowered docking fees for yachts over 80 feet and increased the quarterly payout on dividends, while lowering capital gains. Carry on chaps"!
  12. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

  13. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    You also have to mention that spy-builds were already in disadvantage BEFORE the changes. It just has been increased.

    When you compare a HLBC Hansel with a HLBC atack-built the hansel will always be in lower clanrank and lower LB because of the fewer cs. That was before the changes. now its even worse.

    Additionaly the spy-buildings are even a bit more expensive than atack-buildings.

    Its really hard to cope with the latest changes as a spy-lover :|
  14. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    Is there any reason to comment or disapprove of any changes the developers make? They don't listen to their customers. They continue to neglect the people who pay their salaries. The changes they do make have little to no support from their clientele.
  15. All everyone is talking about on this thread r the downsides of spy builds and how they have worsened. Look at the bright side of the Hansel build :)
  16. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    There is absolutely no advantages to this change other then hansels who were part way to being HFLCBC getting more plunder then before.

    To any hansel on the road to HFLCBC, there was a significant plunder drop per upgrade until they reached 11-13 lvl 5 T6. That's when the plunder spiked up. This change in OP lowered this drop and reversed it.

    To any HFLCBC hansels out there, this change did only one thing. Lower there effectiveness on the LB. Which is amusing, since as a HFLCBC spy, you get 31m CS, while the other is 42m CS.

    At the release of T6, Kaw_Admin mentioned they were monitoring the changes this new tier posed. Hence why they fixed pay on HTE. This imbalance in LB ranking needs to be looked at, or reversed as it was days prior.
  17. The leaderboard updates have finished propagating and the rankings should now be finalized.

    Some of you may have noticed a shift in your position on the leaderboards due to the plunder changes we've made. This has resulted in the actual strength of players being more accurately represented on the leaderboards.

    Additionally, because of an influx of people upgrading their buildings after these plunder payout changes were announced, several of you may have noticed additional ranking drops as these players perform their upgrades.

    Once again, we stress that the leaderboards continue to accurately reflect the strength of all players.
  18. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    I have to say this is stupid. I just calculated real stats, allies, equipment, and anything else you could possibly count vs a the player above me in clan rank. There is no reason for them to be above me. I'm build complete and have almost 3mil more in real stats. Even factoring allies in, I'm still bigger. I understand that when an attack build is build complete they will no doubt have tons more real stats but how can be lower than them now when I'm beating them stat wise straight up? Did you make ally stats worth more? It use to be 1 real stat equaled 50 in ally stats? Please inform us of how you came up with this stupid ass new strength calculation.
  19. Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4

    It's not just spy builds that were dropped in ranking I have only 1 SOS and I dropped 6 clan ranks and alot more overall I would like to understand what is actually affecting the new rankings
  20. Support to twosox's post. Devs, please publish the specifics of your strength adjustments so that we may adjust accordingly. Thanks