Benefit the Benefits!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by FrustolNoodle, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Hey everybody it's Noodle again :D

    I have a very unique idea that will benefit benefits.(haha don't worry you'll see what I mean)

    We all know about these benefits that the devs have for catastrophes/diseases. There have been 3 so far. One being the Typhoon Haiyan relief, another being a goal to develop a free HIV vaccine, and last but not least the Japan Disaster Relief.

    My request is this, that we can support these benefits with nobs. Every 10 nobs given is equal to a dollar. We will still be able to give regular money but many people have extra nobs left over from getting seals/horns/name changes/etc. Who will pay the benefits? Well devs of course! We bought the nobs so devs already have the money!

    It is a very simple request, yet it will aid these catastrophes and diseases in reconstruction and research.

    Tell me what you all think :mrgreen:
    Support? No Support?

    Fixed the problem ty for pointing it out :)

  2. There was a japan disaster relief one. I saw it in someone's achievements.:p good idea.
  3. ya thats the Typhoon Aid one :D
  4. Well a lot of the left over nobility also comes from quest which means the devs would be paying out of pocket for those nobs donated.
  5. You forgot the Japan disaster
  6. ty i fixed the problem :D

    I wonder if there is a way to only allow the use of bought nobs for this.
  7. Probably not because your nobs aren't marked as "bought or earned"
  8. Well actually inferno can be marked as bought or earned so maybe they can do the same thing?
  9. ya idk if its worth it for devs to make a whole new nob system for this haha

    i didnt think of this til u said it :lol:
  10. Noodle you can donate money for my Trap house drought :)
  11. Who cares if devs have to pay out of pocket for the nobs that earned in quests lol?

    I wouldn't mind pushing updates back a few months to help people who are suffering in rl.