No drops on Hte or Rotwb for 2 weeks.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by FEEL_MY_FORCE, Jun 3, 2014.


    Hi i have been playing kingdoms at war for such alongtime also put REAL MONEY INTO THE GAME.
    im not getting no drops and haunts the escape and revenge of warbeast or no Aqua and No inferno why is this :evil: IM ANNOYED I SPEND MY HARD EARNED CASH IN THE GAME AND GET A BIG FAT
    :lol: 0% :lol:

    im getting no drops? aqua inferno horns and seals iv been playing the same Epics HTE AND ROTWB B2B for WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!

    why no drops for me???

    simple answer. thanks.
    Its not just chance WHY ME??????
  2. It's random. Putting money into the game won't help your chances with luck.

    I'm still waiting for people to catch onto this.
  3. It's random, either you aren't getting enough actions in eb, or your just unlucky. It happens to us all.
  4. Very random...
  5. Its completey ridiculous though i see the the other day inferno aqua and horns dropped on there own seal i mean come KAW ITS NOT JUST CHANCE. some do spend money and should get better rewards
  6. look at the clan im in and you will see why i am annoyed im in every eb revenge hte b2b WHY NONE FOR THE FIRST TIME.
  7. You're paying for the extra gold not for drops.
  8. Drops are random. Best advice is keep hitting... You will get a drop at some point... Good luck ;)
  10. [​IMG]

    It's okay buddy, just chill 
  11. Flip a penny 50 times. Do you expect exactly 25 heads? If you flip a quarter instead, do you expect even more heads?

    It's very possible to not get drops for a long period of time simply due to chance. The devs don't look at an eb and personally decide who should get drops. The only thing you can blame is the random number generator used for eb drops.

    (Don't actually blame the random number generator. It's not it's fault you don't like its random numbers. )
  12. Apherium why you no drop water for thirsty people... WHHYYY WHHHYY!!!
  13. Apheriun* stupid m 
  14. You need some spy towers son. Also you have zero spy defense pots... Tsk tsk...
  15. I'm unlucky on my main lol 2months no drops
  16. Random chance isn't guaranteed by money, unless its something in real life in which enough money eliminates random chance.

    And rotwb don't drop aqua/inferno
  17. Everyone has spurts where they get bad luck.
    I spent 600 plus inferno before my first set of greves where fully enchanted .
    Many back to back fod before I got the swords it gives. 3 months just for the sword that gives 10%  and that's back to back. I didn't even start back to back fod, till after 6-8 months of its introduction. I won't even get into the flaming vest of nothing
    Just play, you will one day have great floods and fire , due to overstock️
  18. Lets all throw money at the game so we can cry because we cant get a drop.
  19. Lots of us spend money. Many dont get drops. Because you spend money you should get a better drop rate, is that what your saying? No support. That cash made you more fake gold. That is all that is guaranteed in thus game.