I like this idea for rosters. It fixes matches, it removes roster exploits, it will drastically increase the number of sign ups. I predict that the next thing KAW admin would do would be to create a "rewards by effort" system in EE wars. The biggest "unfairness" now would be experienced/towered builds carrying inexperienced/soft builds....but an individual reward system based on ko's/action count/plunder total would encourage ppl to sign up with more war ready builds. Universally speaking, towered, and static balanced build tend to always out perform soft EB style builds In EE wars, so if the community isn't filtering this by not creating rosters with these builds now, and they can war like all others, there are a "handicap" in an EE war..so you need something to balance that out, individual rewards would help with that. It won't be perfect, but let's face it, everything else they've tested, tried and wanna try creates a new lvl of exploitation. I do think that maybe finding a way to keep EE if u lose a war, maybe if your "contribution" in actions/KO/plunder is high enough would help to keep ppl warring and would also relieve some of the issues with a KAW Admin created roster and match, like inactives or Alts etc. Also...there is no reason why KAW admin can't create a "suspension" system for inactive accounts, that's global. You perform 0 actions in your EE war, you have some special spell cast, lasts 1-2 weeks and u can't cast WOC on that account in that time.
I think estoc edge should be rewarded to the winners of wars, except inactives in wars. Like If someone has 5 or less actions= no ee
I think the individual wars should be individual. Like the arena idea. This is still a system clan set up.
Sorry but the "big towered builds" have been riding the SH TRAIN for easy matches easy mith big equip for two seasons now. I cant shed a tear now their being soooooo miss treated. give me a break
May be better not to mix individual war an chaos wars - i mean - devs make some special mith for this kind of war like WOC - wave of war - WOW -. It would be easy to chose which war to join!!!
The idea sounded fun but u match us strictly following kingdom strengths... Not mixing at all: u have 1 team with 1 4 5 8 9 12 13 etc face 2 3 6 7 10 11 etc... First: it will never happen in "normal EE" neither will it help u fix matchup system for those. Second: if on a sign up there are 3 top 10 ally LB then next is strength is top 50 ally LB this will still result in mismatch especially if roster size is small. Last: there's already something like that called All Stars War. Just saying. So my question there is do we have another war system with this: regular asw? Could be fun, honestly! Or are you still trying to fix EE?
I liked itgot to war with other different players I wouldn't normally get to war with. Also was happy to see there were no SH/GH builds in my roster. As for fair matches I got a 'no match' so can't really comment, but I've heard mixed opinions. Think match ups could be made quicker. GJ
I also think that either after or during these individual wars a suspension spell needs to b made.inactives litterally kill the entire war for a roster n most cases.its entirely unfair to dedicated warriors that give thier all day in and day out.yes the excuse of well u picked a bad person for your roster can b made but that would b a very long endless argument.thank you for all the hard wrk devs.the community already wants to know what kind of feedback u recieved n how u r responding to it.new thread for the feedback results n corresponding changes asap plz.....im also gonna whisper 2 words here...war xtals
I Found the individual wars fair and enjoyable. matching took a little too long tho. I would deffinatly participate in future individually wars.
How to kill inactives: ........auto kick/silence button - you need confirm your war state in clan before war start or you're auto-kicked/silenced from clan (Less ppl on roster, but active)
Enjoyed the individual war very much. Thanks for bringing the much needed change..Looking forward to participate in more wars in this format. Hope next time matching wont take that much time coz warriors need more preparation time in this format for its diversity..
The individual wars were very exciting I enjoyed it .. Even won lol ... Though I think as the novelty wears off less people will sign up ... As such factors like losing EE , Inactives etc Will put people off .. I may be wrong though I would much rather gamble on my home clan than the individual style wars .. Devs can we please look at the times off wars again I don't understand why every time we get comfortable with certain a u guys just change em ... Give sgt tz some consideration as well Please ... Though u only seem to cater to your Largest market US which is understandable I Guess... Bring back the 10 pm est / 10am sgt please thnx
Of course the SH in stacking clans won't gamble their EE in these individual wars. As it stands now, their chances of winning a war are over 50%. But that could change if the individual wars take off. It is simple math really. A clan with mids/hansels/newbies ('leaky useless builds' as the EE clans usually call them) have about 95% of losing against a stacked LB/SH clan. And about 80% to match one since the majority of clans that EE nowadays are stacked - most other clans have given up somewhere during S3. Which means the mid clan has about 75% chance of losing each war and 25% of winning. In these individual wars, everyone has 50% chance of winning. So for mids, hansels, newbies and eb builds it is much more efficient to participate in the individual wars. Gives them a double chance to win (25% chance vs 50%). Yes they won't likely get gold EE, but they will get zero EE against the stacking clans. And taken to the extreme: If all 'leaky useless builds' only do individual wars, then only the stacked clans will remain in the current clan EE system. And will FINALLY only face each other A perfect solution to the lopsided matchups that are happening now. This will probably not appeal much to the stacking clans - they need clans of mids to get their easy wins. But close wars are much more fun anyhow. The individual wars do need some more tweaking. Something like a penalty of not getting to cast WoC for 5 days as has been suggested. And to counter statless alts from opting, have a minimum requirement of 1.5 M cs. Then newbies can war after a little while of getting to understand basic game mechs and statless alts will be out. Overall, I like the direction in which this is going
I cannot fathom why any reasonable person would want to limit participation in single player war enty/woc. When the war system is slick, devs could make the start time user driven like x box shooters...just start with 15 minute prep time whenever u get enough matchable signups to start a 10v10 battle. That way everyone can sign up and war when they are available...no need for 2 hour advance sign up on a phone app nonsense.