Aqua/inferno in higher tier epic battles

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -SAURON-, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    As we all know getting inferno drops for an attack build is extremely rare and vice versa for hansel getting aqua. Due to better gold offered by Smoke Signals and The Summoner, many top clans have started doing them b2b (which do not drop aqua/inferno). But the problem is how we are going to enchant our equips which needs lots of aquas and infernos and reset at a point and need more of them? I have sent an email to asking if they can make epics like SS and TS drop aqua and inferno (which will still be rare to get).

    Thus I request my fellow Kawers that if they feel if its right to ask for, then please send an email like I have sent to support and help make this happen. Let us know that together we can make a difference.
  2. I support the idea. In the interim you could do the frozen city, it drops alot of both.
  3. Support
  4. No support. You already get large amounts of gold and equipment with chance to enchant said equipment with scrolls from those two ebs. Sounds like you want your cake and to eat it too.
  5. Not sure who wouldn't like to get elements too...
  6. Do hte. It's drops both quite frequently for me.
  7. to me it should be t1-t2 eb's that rarely drop aqua n inferno so noobs have the chance of eq upgrades, as its lower gold plundered for these eb's top clans will rarely run eb's because of the gold, just make it lower aqua n inferno dropped say like 2-3 per drop
  8. Shanks t1t2 would be exploited by big clans doing b2b t1t2 ebs to farm enchantment materials fast.
  9. Also that idea wouldn't be helpful to "noobs" as it takes level 3 castle to unlock mage. What would be helpful to "noobs" if we are in the business of helping "noobs" is to make t4 equipment more attainable for them. Make the drops easier to get from destroyer and no man's land. Also make a small stats dagger or small stats pair of boots and gloves drop from t1 ebs, seeing how thats the only tier that doesn't drop equipment.
  10. No support. Part of the reason for not adding those drops to SS and TS ebs is so that you are forced to do other ones in addition. That way other ebs dont become obsolete and you still need to do them for materials.

    As for hansels not getting aqua thats quite untrue. Its very much random.

    If you could get everything from one eb then the rest would be useless and never run. The game needs longevity and adding this in cuts down on that.
  11. thats if depict noobs as total noobs, you have to earn it  and if you were a btb hte clan which drope 6-9 aqua inferno would u really drop to a t1 t2 just to get 2-3 inferno aqua at the same rareness as in hte.... ??? i dont think so.... and noobs yes need lvl3 castle.... (its not hard to get with clan members n wc volleying)
    i find this thread is aimed more at the people who ARE in BTB HTE clans who cant b bothered to wait for the drop.
    were as noobs with a lvl3 castle still do not have the high enough cs for most btb clans so....
    people in btb hte be grateful for what u do get in regards to plunder and drops n stop whinging about it
  12. Ebs have already became obsolete Mango. If you look at TGL, CTT, STP and many more epics, you won't find them often nowadays. They are run only for people who don't have their equips. For example TSG has already eliminated TGL. And TSG will continue as it drops better pots and even seals. The ask is only for aqua and inferno from SS and TS as many good clans won't run TSG b2b.
  13. I agree with Mango, SS and TS are for those chasing scrolls which also are a rarity you want aqua and inferno do the EBs that drop it rather than be greedy
  14. Also the Moutos EBs suck big time 
  15. No support..cold drink pila tab support kar dunga :p
  16. I disagree with that. Look at the clan events tab out of promo time and you'll see a variety of ebs running.

    While it may be true that some ebs are obsolete, many others are not and are still used for unlocks or for variety.

    Adding aqua and inferno to ss and ts just makes the issue worse. The idea should be to make those ebs used again, not make even more useless.
  17. If any q want aqua , inferno then we ahould do tfc/tsg, Ss and Ts should not drop aqua/inferno, bcoz those pay high gold so if u want aqua/inferno we should compensate with gold 
  18. Hansels don't get aqua? My alt has over 150 aqua.