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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Question how much in ally's should I have for my stats . Please wall me awnser
  2. A couple of billion should put you at max plunder
  3. Do ADT add to hansels in creating the hybrid mechanic?
  4. How much should I have in allies cause I don't know how to calculate it ???? My CS is 7.4 m ish
  5. @Rikki: to have hybrid mechanics, you need between 25% and 75% of regular troop as well as spy troop buildings. The castle and towers don't count in those calculations.

    If you have 5 guilds and 14 forges, you are a hybrid, whatever towers you build, as an example. Stats don't come into play, you may have hybrids that have high att stats or spy stats compared to their other stats.

    @ midgit: 20b should be more than enough at your size (and you have much more than that).
  6. Is it true that attack builds rarely drop inferno and Hansels rarely drop aqua?
  7. Its a trend you can observe but not confirmed as true. Both get good amounts of both elements, it may seem that one build gets more of one than the other.

    However, I have more aqua than inferno as a hansel.
  8. Not from what ive seen. As I have 210 aqua and 0 inferno :p
  9. QUESTION: Why are the stats of the Dragon Minion Weapon (from TS) so low? Look at it. 007--- has it equipped and it's at Lvl 11. Why is it that something so hard to unlock/enchant is so utterly weak?
  10. Ok maybe people like it cause it looks good :)
  11. Yeah looks cool but it SUHUCKS.
  12. I still want the entire set, am I crazy?
  13. Yeah don't do that, your better with EE equipment or a mix.
  14. What are the stats like on the summoner gloves when maxed? Or are they garbage just like the weapon?
  15. Perhaps they'll be implementing the equip set bonuses finally. This is the first equipment set you have to smith first, so I wouldn't put the full set bonus idea past them.
  16. QUESTION:if I buy perm item with mirth can I buy more then one of the same item to enchant and how do I enchant once I get it.