I was just trying to make a forum on my computer but every time I try to post images, it says unable to find dimesions of image when I try to preview the thread. How can I post the pictures I want on my thread from the computer
If you are using google images upload to an image hosting site like photobucket or imgur and resize first. 320x320 works best. Or find a smaller version.
A resize tool works well but sometime if the image has fine detail such as text and whatnot it can make it unreadable
I just received the achievement thief level 5 and it told me that I received new items in my inventory. I don't notice anything different at all. Any explanation for this?
If you're on any device go to settings (gear icons for droids) click where it says Facebook and proceed to link. There's no items for achievements anymore, they were taken out by devs long ago
Can someone explain the shadow hansel build to me? What building are involved? Plunder? Advantages and disadvantages?
The shadow hansel build is typically a HLLC with a few HFL. Every HL and LL is level 1 sanctuary of shadows, with approximately 4-5? Elven temples
Plunder on it is apparently similar to the GH of old Advantages: with big bfe and BFA you can hit high and plunder huge while those who hit you get minuscule return Disadvantages: everyone hates you.
Lvl 1 SoS, and a few HF elven temples - up to you how many. As for their plunder, it's a very efficient build. That meaning, you get a lot of punch for what you are packing, plunder wise. It's advantages mostly lie in ee war, where they can build up a good BFA because they dont grow, so all their gold goes into allies. They can hit high and knock players out, and earn a lot of gold for their team, whereas the other side can only get a small amount back by attacking them due to them being much smaller.
Cratos, at your size I wouldn't build any towers. As they will impact your plunder build towers as late as possible... Lowland really isn't recommended for towers as you'd need many to get some useful defense stats. If you want to try out wars, need to build quickly to participate and you might tear them down, go highlands. I personally build them on hoarfrosts, but absolutely noone so far was able to give me decent recommendations if HL or HF are best. As T6 lvl4 and 5 are out, I just go for the solution of having the least towers for a certain amount of defensive stats and I hope that the plunder follows my own logic HF have the big inconvenience of being extremely expensive, it is probably only viable for people not too far from HFBC.
When I get enough money to convert and go big, I'm going to put 15 vols on hl n like 5 sdt n 5 adt. Should I keep SOS on ll and max them out or since they will affect plunder, put attack buildings on there instead? I will also have a few attack buildings on hf possibly few towers and spy buildings