"PS can't war"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Assasin_for_Hire, May 31, 2014.

  1. Start the war with a nice KO


    Second KO of the match


    I finish with a nice KO five minutes till end


    Nice strong finish , 3 KOs/5 SKOs


    Oh and really Devs ? :s


    Yes we did lose the war :p

    Thank you to Escape the Madness for taking me in and respect to Murder War.

    I made this to show that PS are useful if you make it so ;)
  2. Lol well done Krieg
  3. Thanks mate ️
  4. How many attacks did you leak when you plundered their loot?
  5. I got attacked twice , defended one

  6. The Devs have lied about how they reward mith, long ago they said castingore spells increases payout, but I have warred where I have won but gotten back less mith than I casted.

    Recently I lost a war but was rewarded no consolation mith. I emailed the devs but got a generic form letter telling they don't so anything for individual letters. Basically, a polite way of saying, " we screwed up somewhere? oh really? **** you. ".
  7. Weird i always got back more when i won , like 15 lol

    As to the second scenario idk that's BS
  8. Nobody said that ps can't war but rather that it is part of the clan roster stacking problems.
  9. Great job krieg, you were a pain in the butt lol
  10. 1. No reason to bump :|
    2. Idk a single KaWer (that isnt an idiot) who says ps cant war. Js
  11. A lot of people say PS can't war , you're an HTE fairy so you wouldn't know.
  12. I've Ko'd top 20 ally LB being ps.
    Anyone who says ps cant war are trolling lol.
  13. Most people think that PS , i made this thread to spread awareness that we in fact are useful if you play smartly
  14. If you play smart***
  15. Like it's been reiterated, no warrior thinks ps are useless. Quite the opposite... The problem is the stacking of lb/ps rosters that are unfair.
  16. Frog. They don't give you mith if you lose if you don't make a contribution. You must have not hit or something. And as for the first one where you gain less than you spent. The only way that can happen is if you casted before the 1hr mark or after war started
  17. i know pure spies are useful, but are you really bragging about 500M and a 3/5 ko score?