With that, i know its off topic, but they should have one for each significant month, like Autism Awareness Monthi know thats only one, but i cant remember others, other than Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Just like i said one for each significant month. For autism awareness it should be blue with a white puzzle piece. Thats all I'm saying.
Half support it. There are lots of other types of cancer which millions suffer from and just keeping this to breast cancer wouldn't be right. But this isn't also restricted to cancer, there are millions of other diseases out there which are just as bad but don't get as much recognition. So I like the idea of the banner, but the amount of other diseases that people could argue should also have a banner would make it slightly pointless.
Support! Maybe it will cost money and a partial % could go to help cure breast cancer! That would be awesome
I support, mostly cause I was told yesterday by my dad that he has cancer. It's kind of hard going through this
Great work on this thred, support all the way, comin up to 2 years for my mam feels like yesterday, cancer affects us all, lets fight against it