I should have specified,I just want the plunder.But I was under the impression SH made more gold than GH now
GH are already useless. They don't operate like they use to in EE wars because the devs make changes. SH make good plunder because they can get level 5 EE (50% plunder bonus). So yes, you can easily make a SH alt and start making good plunder.
That's where you make your plunder, from EBs and HTE. War until you get level 5 EE, then go ham on EBs. War again every 2 weeks to retain the level 5 EE, and bank in Bronze Bars or allies.
Sh works as a good bank, but its better to grow as a hansel. Your plunder overall will increase from a larger hansel than an sh, and the equip you should aim for. It will make hitting ebs much easier.
Ee is the spell you receive for winning rancor waes. It boosts your plunder and drop chance from eb's, at 25% lvl 1, 32% lvl 2, 37% lvl 3, 42% lvl 4 and 50% lvl 5 (% may be off). Rancor levels are the rewards you get for winning the wars, and at the end of the season, or week/event you receive additional equipment or drops (feathers/eggs etc) depending on your rancor level.
What's the mechanic behind making sh so strong in war? Do they out plunder gh style, stay dtw ps style, or is it a new thing that I don't know. Also, my stats are fairly similar but I have vols not SOS, I'm not an sh am I?
Sh are able to plunder bigger builds and make a ton of gold, but when they hit back, the bigger builds get close to nothing.
Sh is short for shadow hansel which is all stronghold of shadow's at level one on lowlands and highlands. Normally the atk building is on the hoarfrost lands.
why do ppl say to build spy towers to protect ur gold?what about the troops and cant u use all your troops just as fast as spies why protect only one side plz explain thx
Correct brat. It factors into your ally bonus when attacking. Heat, attack towers to protect gold dont work as well as they can be countered by builds who build attack skewed troop builds. Whereas all spy builds give even stat, its easier to protect against it. Also, mechanics work such that steals are better to strip a player in many cases, so you would want to protect a side that would be hit more than one which is hit less.