i realy want to traide equip with a friend becose he is to low that eb (war build sh) and i am a. eb build and want the sword so we both want to traide some equip! plz devs make it possible!!
It's his own ******* fault he's a shity sh I wouldn't give him eq if I was on my death bed. No support bc sh suck.
but imortal if u could get war equip u would find it nice some ppl just hate wars than they can also have war equip and war builds can easy get all equip slots fast full...
This is the worst idea that ppls can think about.. A trade option? Lol.. Ppls that's wants the war eq needs to work and war for it Ppls that wants good eb eq have to to the ebs to getting it and upgrading it No war build? Then change it. For everything u want u have to work on ur own in kaw for it that's one thing why most ppls playing it.. To building up thems own profile and not just "trade" it.
One thing screamed out to me when I read the op: Abuse. It's been suggested many times, but the idea still has more flaws than it's worth.
No avatar abuse is the way ppl talk to one another on these formus. You should all go outside and see the sun once in a while. Sunshine promoted happiness as its packed full of a certain vitamin.