New Mods & Program Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 28, 2014.

  1. Inferno shouldn't be green. Maybe red and yellow. Blue at the begenning. Btw inferno, what happens if I fart on fire with bread a few distance away? Asking to you since you're an inferno.
  2. Re: New Mods

    What kind of question is that?
  3. Re: New Mods

    Won't matter, the moderators are trolls that fail to enforce TOS and bully players for no reason. I've reported numerous mods to support over the past few months across multiple ATA games, so many that the support system
    no longer sends me ticket numbers for my emails.
  4. I wanna make toasts in a new way.
  5. Re: New Mods

    Ive seen a couple mods go bad. But I've only seen them do good as of recent. I don't see how they are abusing power.

    Remember they are human and don't catch everything. If you break a rule you get silenced, I've never seen them give a silence for no reason.

    I will add I've seen a player silenced on accident, that was corrected in a couple minutes. The mod silenced the wrong person, but got it fixed.
  6. Kaw was silenced. He's innocent!

  7. Re: New Mods

    Slayer opened up with a nice reference. :lol.
  8. Re: New Mods

    Congrats u 4 on mods.......Wulf glad see u in there...ur great.......
  9. Green is said to be a color of genius. Maybe that's why u guys don't like it :p
  10. Re: New Mods

    Congrats everyone  I'm not the winner
  11. Re: New Mods

  12. Re: New Mods

    That's a pretty impressive six year old niece. It's good to know she helped to community alot and did something more laborous than Dem's List
  13. Re: New Mods


    Gets PMs, edits thread once in a while, become VK, whines, gets mod.
  14. Go on Wulf resign again right now.... I double dare you 

    Nah congrats new/returning mods
  15. Dang!! I always get passed up for mod! why why why? hahaha
  16. Re: New Mods

    Deez linez!!!
  17. Re: New Mods

    Grats all
  18. Re: New Mods

    I still don't understand why anyone would want to be a mod. I'd rather put my hand on a hot stove.
  19. Re: New Mods

    How will Slayerbob find time to perform his mod duties if all he does is scout bomb me all day

    But seriously congrats and good luck
  20. Mods should be flashy yellow.