
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Narwhal, May 28, 2014.

  1. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Goddamit, I forgot the / ;(
  2. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    I'm up for hire! 2.25t per hour.
  3. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    SUPPORT!!! :p really nice idea:0
  4. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    I'd rather had the system be like a hiring market, where people enroll themselves and people with high reputations could be searched or in a lb. They then have a price to pay, along with a list of requirements needed to earn it. Upon completion, the mercenary earns the money from the bounty
  5. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    For example:
    I hire Val to attack _____ 50 times, steal 30, and assassinate 80. Val then has to complete those missions, and after he finishes those "quests" he gets like 50bill
  6. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    What mercenary would get their money after they do something?
  7. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Make PvP pay better than EBs?!?!?!

    Devs might ban you for such talk xD
  8. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Anyway dragster, that's a totally different system than what I was inferring, you want a bounty hunter system rather than mercenaries. Yet I do see a flaw. If you hire someone and he doesn't complete his task, does the money stay in your bank? Or is it taken and then given back to you? If the money stays in your bank, what happens if you don't have enough money when the task is done?
  9. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    I know infamous o_O
  10. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    A whole new way to merc. Is it wrong to love a narwhal? Because I think I do.
  11. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    That's ummm, debatable castiel...
  12. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    I see no way for the devs to make $ here.if you catch my drift
  13. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    I know warrior Max, I know. ;(

    So here's an addition: to be put at the top of the list and before everyone else you can pay a price of like 5 nobs.
  14. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Maybe instead of hireling with gold, U could hire with Seals, Horns, Xtal Or nob then dev would benefit !
  15. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    No ones going to hire with seals xD. Not enough people would even hire then defeating the purpose of the while thing.
  16. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Trust me If the merc is good, people will hire at any price
  17. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Good idea. Suuuuport.
  18. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Why is it a good idea? Hmmmmmm?
  19. Re: Mercenaries - A Narwhalian Idea

    Support great idea :) but needs to be price limit per stats